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Vice President Harris Demands Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza – USA Puts Pressure on Israel and Hamas for Humanitarian Crisis

Reuters reported that the Israeli army recently opened fire on Gazans who were fighting for supplies, resulting in more than 100 deaths and causing an uproar.USAIt is rare for high-level government officials to use harsh words. Vice President Harris demanded on the 3rdHamasAgree to an immediate six-week ceasefire, while putting pressure onIsraelOpening up more channels for the delivery of humanitarian supplies, bluntly stating that the people of Gaza are starving and innocent people are suffering “humanitarian catastrophe”.

Harris attended an event in Alabama on the 3rd and said bluntly, “We witnessed hungry and desperate people approaching relief trucks. They just wanted to survive the weeks of being completely without supplies and get food for their families, only to be fired upon in the end.” and fell into chaos.”

She said, “Gaza is currently experiencing huge suffering and a ceasefire must be implemented immediately.” “There is already an agreement framework. As we have said, Hamas must agree to the agreement and let us achieve the ceasefire together.”

Washington has recently been emphasizing that it will reach a ceasefire agreement before the holy month of Ramadan. There is currently only one week left before the first day of Ramadan on March 10. A U.S. official revealed on the 2nd that Israel has generally agreed to accept a six-week ceasefire agreement in the Gaza corridor, and now “the ball is in Hamas’s court.”

The Biden administration has made a series of mediation actions, including Benny Gantz, the former defense minister of Israel’s wartime cabinet, who will meet with Harris at the White House on the 4th local time and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken the next day.

However, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth website reported and a source revealed that because Hamas refused to provide a specific list of surviving hostages to be released, the Israeli government did not send representatives to participate in the Cairo negotiations and may boycott the agreement. In response, a Palestinian source told Reuters that Hamas had refused to provide the list.

However, the Hamas delegation told Reuters after arriving in Cairo that an agreement “has not yet been reached”, and Israeli officials have not yet commented.

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#Gazans #starvingHe #Jinli #stressed #ceasefire #release #humanitarian #supplies #Han #Festival #Lianhe #News #Network
2024-03-04 02:20:13

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