Home » News » Viana Styria Historical Association Lecture Series: Lime Burning and Minerals in the Middle Ages

Viana Styria Historical Association Lecture Series: Lime Burning and Minerals in the Middle Ages

Lecture series by the Viana Styria historical association: On February 8th (6 p.m.) Karl Dudek will give a lecture on lime burning in the Middle Ages, on February 9th and 29th (both times 7 p.m.) Hans Eck will speak on the subject of minerals and mining history.

The Viana Styria association is committed to the goal of preserving traditional knowledge and making it available to current generations. For February, chairman Karl Dudek will be taking care of the areas of lime burning and minerals. The film lecture kicks off on February 8th (6 p.m.) in the Gasthof Nabernik in Bad Gams. Following the monthly meeting, the production of lime, which was already used in ancient times, will be discussed in detail. The Greeks and Romans used the material for construction, water treatment and as a medicinal product. The use of lime as a cheap building material continued throughout the Middle Ages (castles, churches, etc.); in the 18th century it was also used in the production of glass and paper. “Lime was and is a very important raw material,” says Karl Dudek, regretting that archeology is only marginally concerned with it.

St. Stefan Middle School

The photo lectures by Hans Eck on February 9th and 29th (7 p.m. each time) in the music hall of the St. Stefan middle school will be about minerals and mining history. The speaker is a renowned mineralogist and collector from Voitsberg who knows the Deutschlandsberg and Voitsberg districts like the back of his hand. “The Koralm range up to the Gleinalm is one of the oldest mountain ranges in the Alpine region,” explains Hans Eck, adding that only the peaks protruded from the primordial sea. Due to hard rock formation and high pressure, beautiful minerals have formed in cavities and fissures. “There are more than 6,000 different minerals,” the speaker refers to rock crystal, smoky quartz and garnet, which are present in our area. During the La Tène period, we also searched for iron, silver and gold. Admission: voluntary donation.

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  • Stmk
  • Deutschlandsberg
  • Katrin Löschnig

2024-02-03 15:43:08
#February #Lecture #offer #Viana #Styria #historical #association

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