Home » today » World » Veto Putin: Russia should be barred from the UN Security Council! – Politics

Veto Putin: Russia should be barred from the UN Security Council! – Politics

Russia out of the United Nations Security Council – that would be something. Get out of this exclusive body that imposes, or at least tries to impose, its will on the big, wide, free world time after time. So curtailing the power of huge Russia with its many nuclear missiles – that shouldn’t work?

First of all: everything goes. You have to want it. Nothing is set in stone. And even that can crumble. The wall fell too.

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That means: Why does Russia actually have to belong to the Security Council for all time? Because it sits there in the wake of the Soviet Union that collapsed doesn’t mean that status is untouchable.

The law is also changing. And the patience of the other states with one whose ruler is instigating a war, giving in to his desire for great power and wanting to rebuild the USSR should be finite.

Until then: the minimum is to isolate Russia. Really absurdly, it currently also holds the presidency of the Security Council and is thus leading the debate about its own war of aggression. The federal government should therefore work to ensure that Russia lets this presidency rest while the war in Ukraine and related issues are being dealt with.

Isolate Russia – that works; if you want

A veto by Russia is always to be expected in the Security Council; according to the UN charter, everyone must agree, and Russia has a veto. Instead, when it comes to the invasion of Ukraine, there should always be a vote in the General Assembly, among all 193 member states.

More about the war in Ukraine at Tagesspiegel Plus:

Isolate Russia – that works; if you want. Getting Russia out of the Security Council could work. The political demand already exists: a resolution has already been initiated in the US House of Representatives, surprisingly across all parties, by Republican Claudia Tenney and an unnamed Democrat.

The UN is being asked to take “immediate procedural measures” to amend Article 23 of the charter and bar Russia from becoming a permanent member of the Security Council.

The longer the war lasts, the more attractive the resolution will become. The document explains that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and support for breakaway republics “pose a direct threat to international peace and security” and run counter to Russia’s “responsibilities and obligations as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.” . There’s something else.

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