Home » today » Health » Veterinarians in Asturias Recall That Dog Vaccinations Cannot Be Administered During Group Gatherings – Animalshealth

Veterinarians in Asturias Recall That Dog Vaccinations Cannot Be Administered During Group Gatherings – Animalshealth

Armando Solís, president of the Association of Veterinarians of Asturias.

Recently the Government of Asturias established the obligatory nature of rabies vaccination for all dogs in the region

Last monday March 27th he Government of the Principality of Asturias published in its official bulletin the resolution establishing rules for the development of the rabies vaccination of dogs, cats and ferrets.

The Asturian Executive warned of the need for this measure due to the geographical proximity to countries where rabies is endemic, such as North Africa, with recent cases in the Autonomous City of Melilla, the conflictive situation that has been going on in Eastern Europe, especially the war in Ukraine, a country where rabies Rabies disease is widespread among animals and the human population, and where the war has led to a significant exodus of people accompanied by their companion animals.

For all these reasons, it was declared compulsory vaccination against rabies of the dogs registered in the Principality of Asturias, the first vaccination being carried out when the dog is at least three months old and before it reaches six months of age, it being mandatory to revaccinate before the end of the validity period of the vaccine as established by the technical specification of the marketing authorization of the vaccine used.

In the case of cats and ferrets will be voluntarywithout prejudice to its mandatory application in cases of intra-community exchanges.

After this passage by the Principality, from the College of Veterinarians of Asturias They have published a statement in which they recall that, “animal concentrations —understood as gatherings of animals from different owners— for your vaccination collective are expressly prohibited”.

Also, after the implementation of rabies vaccination from the College they have recalled the effort made to achieve mandatory vaccination, arguing scientifically to the regional administration that rabies is recognized as a re-emerging diseaseand that mass vaccination is the only correct method to interrupt the cycle of transmission of the disease to man.

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