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Very painful … 3 days ago, the couple engaged was accident

AccidentIt occurred at 12.45, at the location of Dagdibi Mahallesi. Trying to cross the road, Hakan Şeker and his wife Hande Şeker hit a 54 BN 696 license plate car used by Mehmet C. The couple, who was hit by the severity of the crash, was seriously injured.

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5f1c3ad118c77324687d26ae">—

Health and police teams were dispatched to the scene instead of the accident upon the notice of the people around. The injured couple, who was first intervened by the medics, then Sakarya University Education and Research Hospital.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, Hande Şeker, from the couple who were taken to treatment, could not be saved, and Hakan Şeker was reported to continue to survive.


news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5f1c3ad118c77324687d26ac">Very painful ... 3 days ago, the couple engaged was accident


It turned out that the sugar couple had their wedding done 3 days ago and they would have a wedding one month later.

While starting an investigation into the accident, driver Mehmet C. was detained after the accident.

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