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Very few buy them but these seeds are fantastic allies of our gut

When it comes to composing our diet, or introducing new foods, we need to be careful. In fact, each of us has very specific needs, related to his state of health.

For example, there are those who suffer from rheumatism. These people should try to avoid the consumption of asparagus, to ward off side effects. Other people, on the other hand, have problems with lactose intolerance. In this case, the ideal could be to buy some kefir, a very underrated ingredient.

In general, when you have a particular condition, it is best to go to the doctor. He will know how to prescribe the best possible diet.

Today we try to give some advice, indicating a little known food that can help those who have intestinal problems.

The American plant

Today we will talk about the Chia seeds. Chia is a plant whose scientific name is salvia hispanica. Chia is native to Central America, especially Mexico and Guatemala. It has been cultivated since before the arrival of Columbus, and still today it is very strong in those regions, where it is used for food purposes.

We are particularly interested in its seeds, which can be a real cure-all. Very few buy them but these seeds are fantastic allies of our gut. They contain vitamins and many substances that have positive effects on the body. Fortunately, it is possible to buy them all year round, so let’s go to our trusted shop and ask if they have some. Although the seeds are American in fact they have also become popular in Europe. The reason is probably due to the fact that they are very healthy.

Very few buy them but these seeds are fantastic allies of our gut

First, chia seeds are good for the gut. This is mainly due to their high fiber content, which makes up about 34% of the weight of the seeds.

But chia seeds also contain numerous antioxidants, such as vitamin C, ferulic acid and caffeic acid. These components help fight aging by blocking the action of free radicals. In addition, these seeds also provide a good supply of omega 3 and omega 6, polyunsaturated fats that help us keep inflammation at bay.

Even those with high blood sugar do not have to worry about ingesting these foods, as luckily they have a very low glycemic index. In short, they are able to give many positive effects, both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, without having particular side effects. They also don’t appear to have interactions with any medications.

Obviously, if we have any previous conditions or are taking medications, it is good to talk to your doctor before adding them to your diet.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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