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– Very disappointed – VG

TROMSØ UNIVERSITY: When the Norwegian Arctic University (UiT) on Thursday was to send out a welcome e-mail to applicants who had been offered a study place with them through Coordinated admissions, around 1000 e-mails were sent incorrectly. Photo: Roland Johansen, in Tromsø

UiT mistakenly sent several hundred e-mails about confirmed study admissions. Marco Dahl (23) thought he had entered the dream studio.


When the Norwegian Arctic University (UiT) on Thursday was to send out a welcome e-mail to applicants who had been granted a study place with them through Coordinated Admissions, several e-mails were sent incorrectly.

Marco Dahl (23) was one of those who received the e-mail with the apparently happy news.

– I was surprised and very happy when I read the e-mail that I had been given a study place, but fortunately did not manage to tell the news to anyone else, Dahl says.

The joy was short-lived, because after half an hour, UiT sent a new e-mail in which they informed about the error and apologized for what had happened.


DISAPPOINTED: Marco Dahl (23) was one of those who received UiT’s welcome e-mail by mistake. Photo: Private

Dahl was on the waiting list for UiT’s study program for international preparedness, a study program he describes as his dream study.

– Very dissapointed

He has worked as a security guard for the past four years, and says he has a great desire to gain more professional competence in a field he is passionate about.

The disappointment was therefore very great when the counter message came.

– I was very disappointed, I simply did not know where to turn. I did not think it would be possible to make such a big mistake like this, says Dahl.

Now he will continue to work until he can apply again.

– I was offered another study program at another university, but this was not the dream study, so then I said no there and will apply again next year, he says.

Strongly apologize

In the second e-mail to those affected, UiT strongly apologizes for the error.

– The error occurred because UiT has also processed cases from some of the applicants to other universities and colleges, in addition to its own applicants. Unfortunately, this led to you receiving the welcome e-mail that was only going to applicants who had been placed at UiT, they write in the e-mail that VG has been given access to.

Most of those affected had already received offers from other institutions that they had prioritized before UiT, writes Kjersti Dahle, section manager at the study administration to VG. She estimates that the incorrectly sent e-mail went out to several hundred applicants.

– At the same time, a minority is on the waiting list for a study at UiT that they have on a higher priority. It is this group that has been unfortunate for, writes Dahle.

UiT does not have an exact figure for how many people this is about.

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