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Very cold weather forecast for this Wednesday morning in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

beautiful and its prognosis.Rafael: 100% spring waterand it is the official water of theweather coverage.thanks for the synthia.we have a wonderful dayclear, we will have sun likewe would like inYou were like today and yetthat thread with temperatures forbelow 30, 3132. andheavens luckily we goto show full sun duringtoday, air arcticcoming from the north and thewest and we will be there withlow temperatures to passof the lowest tonight. threeleave all that area andthermal sensation even frombelow what he saysthermometer, 20 just there.go to monticello,feel at 11 as ifwe were talking in monthslike February, we are inNovember on the eve of actionof graces and the winds of thenorth that will not be a factortoday to feelIt’s cool in the afternoonbringing lower temperatures.maximum of the range of4547. the clear night andwe will see just that,stable but fresh outlook andfor tomorrow raise thetemperatures. tomorrow nightsome scattered showers thatin the early morning, somethey could see some flake thatwe will be monitoring thetemperature and for Fridaythey are going to go down and they could benear freezing point.

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