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“Versjeskade: An Afternoon of Poetry and Filled Cakes”

A loft full of Zaanse poets yesterday afternoon in the Verskade, which was renamed Versjeskade for this occasion. An afternoon of poetry (with more than 50 poems) that was crowned with filled cakes (from the ‘own’ Kiss Bakery).

Performances were given by Frans Reichardt (who also organizes the afternoon), city poets Lisa van Tongeren and Reinier Fosch, ex-city poet Hans Kuyper, Ruud Baars, Rik Eckhardt, Winnie de Wit, Corine Gorter, Elsa op ‘t Holt, Wichard de Krijger , Janna Pronk, Gerda Smit, Niels van der Veen, Ien Verrips, Justin van Weerden, Fien Hertog.

Hurricane force Jan Lapère was there and took the pictures for us (click on the arrows in the slideshow).

2023-05-22 15:20:46
#Versjeskade #word #art #conviviality #filled #cakes #Hurkaan

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