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Versatility is important: Author Nicole Siemer on genres and the diversity of horror

At first glance, Nicole Siemer appears to be one of many indie writers. She publishes both in self-publishing over Books on Demand as well as in a small publisher (www.empire-verlag.at).
Upon closer inspection of her Publications it quickly becomes clear: Nicole values ​​genre diversity.

I see myself as a horror writer. Or, as I like to call it: Horror Wusel author. When most people think of horror, the first thing they think of is flying bowels and bathtubs full of blood, zombies and spitting demons, but horror is so much more than that. It is the most diverse genre of all.

Nicole Siemer sees herself as a “horror writer”

During my reading rounds – especially at Akuma and Epiphany – I met two types of readers: inside. Type one shivered while reading, some even got nightmares. Type two doesn’t call my books horror because, in the eyes of these readers, my stories are not scary enough inside, not bloody enough.
I find that incredibly fascinating. Everyone perceives horror differently. Some are terrified of spiders, others keep them as pets. Some pull the covers over their heads when they suspect footsteps in the hallway, others tell themselves it’s an old house and turn on their side to go back to sleep with relish.

But horror isn’t the only genre found in Nicole Siemer’s books.

Horror and horror can be found in almost every genre, so why not incorporate other genres into a horror novel? I like it when the boundaries are fluid, which is why some of my books contain elements of fantasy, thrillers and humor. My debut novel Todessamen is even a pure fantasy novel – with elements of horror. Akuma is called a fantasy thriller, but there are some really nasty horror scenes in it and even more humor. It is not always easy to find the right genre.

Anyone who reads Nicole Siemer’s books can always look forward to one or two surprises. The question remains, what’s next?

I have just published a psycho-horror anthology with the title Vanilla und Verresung, in which I try to bring the diversity of the horror genre closer to my readers. The first novella Kind des Waldes could be called a slasher with blood and mutilations. Give it back! is relatively harmless and rather mild horror. The white room is a mixture of both.
Next, my readers can look forward to an eerie psychological thriller that is expected to be published by Empire Verlag in the summer of this year. And the next novel idea is already waiting.

Nicole Siemer was born in 1991 in Papenburg (Emsland, Lower Saxony) and works full-time as a hearing aid acoustician. Today she lives with her roommate and her cat in Lingen (Ems).

In elementary school she discovered her love for fantastic storytelling and writing. Since completing her distance learning fiction course at the School of Writing in 2017, she has primarily devoted herself to eerie stories with a philosophical touch.

In addition to novels, she writes short stories that she writes on her blog https://dreiwoerter.de provides free of charge.

»Broken Lady« – Short Story 2018; anthology Thrown together; Publisher publishing house
Akuma – Fantasy Thriller 2020; Print edition: Books on Demand; E-book: Empire-Verlag
»The Photo« – Short Story 2020; anthology Facets of darkness; Baltrum publishing house
Child of the forest – horror novella 2020; E-book; Amazon KDP and Tolino Media
Give it back! – horror novella 2020; E-book; Amazon KDP and Tolino Media
Death seed – Fantasyroman 2020; Empire-Verlag
Epiphany – See what you did, Eddie – Psycho-Horror 2020; Empire-Verlag
See what you did – Psychological horror anthology 2021; Empire Publishing House
Vanilla and putrefaction – Psycho-Horror-Sammelband 2021; Books on Demand

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