Home » Entertainment » Veronika Žilková was disappointed by Stropnický: He did not see his daughter for a year,…

Veronika Žilková was disappointed by Stropnický: He did not see his daughter for a year,…

Veronika Žilková and Martin Stropnický

Source: Profimedia

The war between Veronika Žilková and Martin Stropnický is definitely not over yet. The spouses are still arguing about the monthly amount of alimony for Kordula’s minor daughter, and for this reason the divorce proceedings have even been suspended. In addition, thanks to the court, it became clear how much Stropnický earns in the position of ambassador, and it looks like he’s going to have a hard time paying his daughter.

Martin Stropnický and Veronika Žilková’s relationship is at freezing point after the breakup. The actress did not breathe a sigh of relief that her husband found a lover who was decades younger and left the family from day to day, and therefore the divorce is definitely not taking place in a friendly spirit.

Žilková is trying to get the highest possible alimony for her daughter and would like to have alimony calculated from her husband’s salary. But it is said that Stropnický does not agree with this and that is why the whole process is being dragged on unnecessarily.

“There are no requirements from my side, it is normally calculated from the amount of salary and from the fact that the father has by law to match the child’s standard of living according to his own,” Žilková explained to Bleska, saying that for years she had no idea how much her ex-husband actually had earns.

They haven’t seen each other in a year

Until recently, Veronika Žilková had no idea how high Martin Stropnický’s salary was. The ambassador is said to receive an average of around half a million per month for his work, which the actress learned only at one of the court appearances.

“When I found out about our daughter’s alimony at the court, it was a secret for me until then, his income is 480,000 kroner a month,” confided CNN Prima News.

If the court calculated alimony from his real earnings, Žilková would receive less than a hundred thousand a month. According to the recommended tables, Stropnický should hand over roughly twenty percent of his salary to his daughter. However, since the parties have not yet reached an agreement, it looks like the whole case will drag on for some time. In addition, Kordula Stropnická will soon come of age and will be able to collect money from her father on her own when she turns eighteen. According to Žilková, she has not been in contact with her father for a year. “They haven’t seen each other for a year, and as my daughter and I learned from TV, the husband will get another embassy, ​​so the situation probably won’t change for the next four years,” added the disappointed actress.

After the breakup, Žilková found solace in the arms of rocker Josef Holomač

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