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Veronika Žilková and her lover Pepa Holomáč: A LIE ABOUT DIVORCE!

The divorce proceedings were officially started only on January 6 of this year, when the Holomačov couple filed for divorce. Even in December, Žilková’s new partner lived in the same apartment unit as his wife.

Legal actions

“Sometime in December, the husband moved out, but I don’t know where, he didn’t tell me,” she told the newspaper Aha! Martina Holomáčová (47), who was very disturbed by the actress’s claim that their marriage has been in ruins for a long time and they have allegedly been divorced for two years. “Back in the summer, we were planning a vacation to Asia, where my husband and I were going to go in October, so there was no indication that we would divorce,” added Holomáčová. Last year, the former Argema bassist tried to convince the public that legal actions regarding the termination of their marriage were already underway. However, he never submitted any documents. Diary Aha! only Martina presented them upon request, which finally refuted all the false information about the divorce.

The funeral of Olga Žilková

Filed January 3

According to the documents we looked into and which we verified at the court in Prague 10, the divorce application was actually filed this year, specifically on Friday, January 6, 2023. an application for divorce was filed between me Martina Holomačová and my husband Josef Holomačová. Divorce proceedings are officially started from this date. This information can be verified at the district court for Prague 6, Na Míčánkách, Prague 10,” wrote Holomáčová. According to our information, the spouses should have agreed on property relations and nothing should stand in the way of a civil divorce. “I want to get it over with quickly, the whole situation bothers me a lot…” lamented Martina, who still doesn’t know the exact date of the divorce. “No one has contacted us, I mean my lawyer and me, so we are waiting,” she added.

Church divorce

The civil termination of marriage is not the only thing that troubles Martina Holomáčová. Much more important to her is a church divorce, or more precisely, the annulment of a marriage. “We are both baptized and I insist on it. We have already dealt with it at the archdiocese. The request has to be sent all the way to the Vatican, but since our marriage was childless, it could be easier,” revealed Holomáčová. “But the church divorce can only take place after the civil one,” specified Martina, who wants to at least partially refute the untruths that her still-husband and his new partner are letting into the world.

Pepa is no poor man

Even though it may not seem like that at first glance, rocker and musician Josef Holomáč is very financially secure. After hanging his bass guitar on a nail, he was not idle and, according to the commercial register, he is the director of the PREFA Žatec factory. They owned two luxury cars, both of which now belonged to Holomač, they often went on exotic vacations to Asia. The musician prefers to present himself in public as a poor man, and although he dresses modestly in a shirt, jeans and a leather jacket, the reality is different…

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