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Verdi Union Expands Warning Strikes in Saxon Wholesale Trade: Update October 5, 2023

Verdi union expands Warning strike in the Saxon wholesale trade

Thursday, October 5, 2023, 7:46 a.m: The Verdi union has expanded the warning strikes in the Saxon wholesale trade. On Thursday morning, part of the workforce at Edeka Foodservice in Chemnitz and Schkeuditz stopped work, a union spokeswoman said upon request.

The employees at Edeka Foodservice in Dresden have been on strike since Wednesday. According to Verdi, the warning strike will last until Saturday. For the approximately 38,000 wholesale and retail employees in Saxony, Verdi is demanding, among other things, an increase in several salary and wage groups of 27 cents per working hour and a 13 percent increase in wages for union members.

The employees are very angry about the employers’ stalling tactics, five months of collective bargaining and no appropriate offer from the employers, said Verdi’s negotiator in the Saxony wholesale trade, Sylke Hustan. “Employees need a significant salary increase, reflected in the table, in order to cope with the enormous increase in living costs and as quickly as possible.” The next collective bargaining hearing is scheduled for October 23rd.

Verdi union calls for a warning strike in Dresden

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, 8:39 p.m.: The Verdi union has called on wholesale workers to go on a warning strike from early Wednesday morning. Specifically, this is the Edeka Foodservice in Dresden, as can be seen from a press release from the union on Tuesday evening. The strike is expected to last several days.

For the approximately 38,000 wholesale and retail employees in Saxony, Verdi is demanding, among other things, an increase in several salary and wage groups of 27 cents per hour worked, as well as a 13 percent increase in wages for union members.


“The employees need a significant pay increase in the table in order to cope with the enormous increase in living costs and as quickly as possible,” said Sylke Hustan, Verdi’s lead negotiator in the Saxony wholesale sector.

600 employees demonstrate for significantly higher wages in retail

Tuesday, October 3rd, 11:11 a.m.: In the collective bargaining dispute in Hamburg’s wholesale and retail trade, employees demonstrated on Monday for significantly higher wages. They marched through the city of the Hanseatic city under the motto “Without us, there would be no business”. According to Verdi negotiator Heike Lattekamp, ​​almost 600 union members took part in the rally. At the same time there were warning strikes again. According to a call from the Verdi union, the work stoppages should last until Wednesday (October 4th). The union criticizes the fact that employers are only offering “real wage losses” even after several rounds of negotiations.

Negotiations are held separately for both sectors of trade. Verdi is demanding a wage increase of around 13 percent for employees in wholesale and foreign trade, but at least 400 euros more per month. For retail employees, the union is calling for an increase in wages and salaries of 2.50 euros per hour and a pensionable minimum wage of 13.50 euros per hour. In both wholesale and retail, trainees should receive an additional 250 euros per month for a contract term of one year.

Week-long drivers’ strike at motorway service station ended

Sunday, October 1st, 2023, 9:39 a.m.: After more than two months, the strike by Uzbek and Georgian truck drivers at the Gräfenhausen motorway service station in southern Hesse has ended. An agreement had been reached, said Edwin Atema on Saturday. The Dutch trade unionist had been appointed negotiator by the striking drivers.

The Polish forwarding company assured in writing that it would withdraw its claims against the drivers. According to Atema, he also assured that he would not raise any claims against the drivers in Germany or other countries in the future. The entrepreneur had filed a complaint with the Darmstadt public prosecutor’s office for extortion.

Atema further reported that money was flowing to the drivers. He initially said nothing about the height. A continuation of the strike therefore no longer makes sense, said Atema – also in view of the stressful situation for the drivers after weeks at the rest stop on Autobahn 5. The around 80 men had outstanding wages from their employer totaling more than half a million euros required. According to their own statements, they have not been paid for months.

Around 30 drivers had now gone on hunger strike. Among other things, the Mainz social doctor Gerhard Trabert, who became known nationwide through his candidacy for the Left for the office of Federal President in 2022, provided medical help with a team from his Poverty and Health Association. At the end of September he said: “A hunger strike is a life-threatening situation.” Trabert spoke out in favor of medical contact points on European highways.

“These drivers fought for their money,” emphasized negotiator Atema. Gräfenhausen was the “Waterloo” for the Polish shipping company, said Atema, referring to Napoleon’s defeat in the Battle of Waterloo.

The “desperate protest” of the Eastern European truck drivers has finally ended and a solution has been found, said Stefan Körzell, board member of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB). Thanks to a large number of donations, the drivers can now be helped. “Now political consequences must finally be drawn from the incident in Gräfenhausen,” demanded Körzell – at the European, federal and state levels. The Polish authorities would have to revoke the group’s transport license forever. Negotiator Atema made similar comments. “Gräfenhausen is not an isolated case,” he told the German Press Agency. He hopes that a signal will come from there.

The DGB in the Hesse-Thuringia district said: “For the drivers, this marks the end of a courageous, long and desperate fight, which has once again shed a frightening light on the working conditions on Europe’s roads.” The drivers acted responsibly and in solidarity defied all attempts at criminalization by the company.

In addition, they experienced broad solidarity and great support, especially from trade union and church actors, the DGB Hesse-Thuringia said. However, the solution found in this case does not eliminate the grievances in international road transport. “A continuation of exploitation on the streets of Europe can only be prevented if compliance with existing rules is consistently checked.”

The rest stop on the A5 had been the scene of a labor dispute for the second time. In the spring, around 60 drivers from the same company pushed through their demands in a strike that lasted almost six weeks. The strike brought the working conditions of Eastern European long-distance drivers into focus.

IG Metall calls for Warning strike at the Moia shuttle service

Friday, September 29th, 2:05 p.m.: In the dispute over a collective agreement, higher wages and better working conditions at the Moia shuttle service, IG Metall has called for a warning strike on Friday evening. The union announced that employees in Hamburg should stop work from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. A rally is planned in front of the Moia Hub Wandsbek at 7:30 p.m.

The employees of the Volkswagen subsidiary are demanding, among other things, an inflation compensation bonus of 2,000 euros, a 5.2 percent increase in wages retroactively as of June 1st and further significant wage increases as of September 1st. In addition, they want bonus payments like those at VW Group Services GmbH, 30 days of vacation for everyone and better night shift bonus regulations.

Verdi calls out in Hamburg Warning strike in retail and wholesale

Thursday, September 28th, 6:38: The service union Verdi has called on employees in Hamburg’s retail and wholesale trade to go on a warning strike lasting several days since Thursday night. The union announced that the work stoppages will last until Wednesday (October 4th). A rally and demonstration is planned for Monday (October 2nd) in the city center. After five rounds of negotiations, the employers are only offering “real wage losses”, and many employees are at acute risk of poverty in old age, said Verdi negotiator Heike Lattekamp. “The fact that colleagues have to fear that they won’t be able to make ends meet with their pension after 45 years of hard work, “We won’t accept it! The only way to combat this development is to achieve sustainable wage increases. Denying employees this security is disrespectful and must come to an end.”

Verdi is demanding a wage increase of around 13 percent for employees in wholesale and foreign trade, but at least 400 euros more per month. For retail employees, the union is calling for an increase in wages and salaries of 2.50 euros per hour and a pensionable minimum wage of 13.50 euros per hour. In both wholesale and retail, trainees should receive an additional 250 euros per month for a contract term of one year.

Verdi calls to Warning strike energy in Saxony

Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 7:33 p.m.: The Verdi union called for a warning strike at the energy supplier Sachsen Energie and a number of subsidiaries on Wednesday. The company is fulfilling its supply mandate and securing this for customers during the warning strike, a company spokeswoman said on Wednesday morning. “There may be restrictions in all other areas,” it said, such as service. According to its own information, the company employs around 3,500 people.

Verdi is demanding, among other things, twelve percent more money for employees over a period of twelve months, but at least 500 euros. The union is demanding 300 euros more per month for the trainees.

Collective bargaining in the private energy industry in East Germany began two weeks ago near Halle (Saxony-Anhalt). The employers’ association of energy and utility companies (AVEU) submitted an offer that Verdi believes is inadequate. Accordingly, the employers’ association is offering a wage increase preceded by two empty months. Salaries will not be increased by 5 percent until November 2023, and then by a further 2.6 percent in December 2024.

Municipal utilities in Leipzig are on warning strike

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, 8:46 a.m.: Verdi calls on employees of the Leipzig public utilities group to go on a warning strike. The union is demanding, among other things, twelve percent more money for the employees over a period of twelve months, but at least 500 euros. Verdi charges 300 euros more per month for trainees.

More information about the warning strikes on the next pages

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