Home » today » News » Verdi-Sinistra, Bonelli and Fratoianni’s rally ends in the luxury resort – Il Tempo

Verdi-Sinistra, Bonelli and Fratoianni’s rally ends in the luxury resort – Il Tempo

It was supposed to be a demonstration against the Strait Bridge. But, due to bad weather, it turned into a convention in the resort complete with selfies between Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli (Alleanza Verdi Sinistra). «We will fight in Parliament and also outside against a work that we consider useless, enormously expensive, which risks taking away even more resources from the South»: reiterated the deputy and national secretary of the Italian Left Fratoianni, yesterday in Messina during the meeting at Capo Peloro Resort in the presence of committees and associations.

«It is yet another propaganda hoax and yet another waste of public resources that should be directed in a completely different direction, which is why they are against it, not because we are against the works regardless of how someone would like to say it, but because we make an argument that has to do with deal with priorities, with the general needs of Sicilian citizens and beyond – Fratoianni said – We presented the complaint not because we want to accuse someone but because we claim to have transparency which to date has not been guaranteed”.

The league responded thus with the vice president of the Sicilian Region, Luca Sammartino: «The obsession with the Messina Bridge has evidently gone to the heads of Fratoianni and Bonelli who, in order to gather some votes, talk nonsense about a Sicily they don’t know. A region which, amidst a thousand difficulties, thanks to the concrete commitment of the regional government, has almost eliminated the waiting lists and obtained massive funding from the MIT for strategic works that have been awaited for years.”

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