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Verbal abuse…a weapon to harm the employee at work, but how? | Mix

Ammon – Abuse comes in many different patterns and forms, and not all of them are physical. When someone repeatedly uses a set of words to belittle, intimidate, or control someone, this is considered verbal abuse.

It is possible that at times you will find verbal abuse in the context of a polygamous relationship; Such as an emotional relationship or a family relationship. While verbal abuse refers to many violations that can leave a mark on the recipient, it is also likely that it will sometimes escalate into physical abuse as well.

Healthline.com offers a set of ways and strategies for dealing with verbal abuse at work, and what you can do after experiencing this type of abuse.

Verbal abuse behaviors in the work environment?
Some people struggle all the time at work, which leads them to use arguments or yell. It’s all part of being human. But verbal abuse is not normal. There are some indications that point to this, the most notable of which are:

Using titles as an alternative to names:
Whether you are in a relationship within the scope of work, colleagues or friends, or an employee-manager relationship, insults are an unhealthy tactic. The use of nicknames is interchangeable instead of the usual names. And teasing, as a way to belittle you. Like saying: You don’t understand, are you an idiot? Some kind of verbal abuse.

Sarcastic and belittling style:
Sarcasm is an attempt by people to belittle you and your position at work. Insulting comments that contain a form of sarcasm, contempt, and condescending rhetoric. It represents an attempt by others to make themselves feel superior and powerful in front of you. For example: Let me see if you can write this speech in a good way that even you can understand. This type involves one of the hidden methods of verbal abuse that must be paid attention to.

Constant blame at work:
Constantly unfairly or unjustifiably blaming a specific individual without an objective basis constitutes a form of verbal abuse at work; Not clearly specifying the reasons when blaming is directed at work leads to what is called “unjust blaming,” which often creates in the person a feeling that he is being targeted without justification. Like saying: “I always have to yell at you, because you are unreasonable and hard-headed!”

Manipulating feelings and emotions:
Using words or actions in a way intended to influence others negatively without a legitimate or supportive basis constitutes a form of verbal abuse at work, such as using authority in the workplace in a way that forces others to do things they do not want to do that harms their personal or professional image, or Using words in an insulting or derogatory manner with the aim of controlling or intimidating them.

How do you react when exposed to verbal abuse at work?

If you think you are being verbally abused at work, you should first trust your instincts, then keep in mind that there is a possibility that the matter will escalate after you respond to the abuser. After you realize this, you have to decide how you are going to do something about it to respond. We summarize a set of strategies that you can do to act wisely and balanced in the face of verbal abuse in the work environment.

Set boundaries between yourself and others as a form of protection and to reduce harm from people who try to direct verbal abuse.
Minimize your presence in places where you are being intentionally abused, or your interactions with people who direct abuse.
Be prepared to cut off all ties with people who verbally abuse you. Recovering from the effects of verbal abuse requires a lot of time and effort.

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