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Venus, Mars, and Regulus: A Celestial Trio Lights Up the Night Sky in July 2023

Venus, Mars, and Regulus Trio to Illuminate Night Sky

In a rare celestial event, Venus, Mars, and Regulus will form a stunning trio in the night sky on July 9 and 10, 2023. Venus, the brightest point of light in the night sky, will be setting in the west less than two hours after sunset. As the colors of sunset fade, Venus will be the first light to appear.

During the first half of July, Venus will shine at magnitude -4.7, making it the closest planet to Earth. But on July 9, sky gazers will be treated to an even more spectacular sight. If they wait for the sky to darken further, they will spot two points of light above Venus. The slightly brighter and whiter light is Regulus, the brightest star in Leo the Lion, while the reddish light next to it is Mars.

These two worlds will appear a bit more than a moon-width apart on both July 9 and 10. On the evening of July 9, Venus will lie below the much fainter Mars and Regulus. The trio will fit within a 5-degree field, and Mars and Regulus will get as close as 0.7 degrees apart, slightly more than the width of a full moon.

To get a better view of this celestial event, astronomers recommend using binoculars. Through binoculars, observers may be able to see the crescent phase of Venus. They can also focus on the white and red points of light close together in the same field of view, which are Regulus and Mars, respectively.

While Mars should appear as a steady light, Regulus might twinkle due to its distance from Earth. Stars like Regulus are quite far away, appearing as nothing more than pinpricks of light in the sky. The undulating atmosphere of Earth can cause the point of Regulus to jump around, while the more disk-like Mars remains steady.

On July 9, Mars will pass 0.7 degrees from Regulus during the night, and the two will still be close on July 10. Sky gazers are advised to start looking about 30-45 minutes after sunset. Stellarium.org can be used to find a star chart for a precise location, and binoculars will help in spotting the dimmer objects.

This rare alignment of Venus, Mars, and Regulus is a sight not to be missed. The trio will provide a captivating display in the night sky, with Venus shining brightly and Mars and Regulus adding their own unique colors. Sky watchers are encouraged to capture this event through photographs and submit them to EarthSky Community Photos.

For more videos of great night sky events, visit EarthSky’s YouTube page. And for a comprehensive guide to visible planets and night sky events, visit EarthSky’s website.

Kelly Kizer Whitt, a science writer specializing in astronomy, has been studying the night sky for over two decades. She has contributed to various publications, including Astronomy Magazine and the Sierra Club. Whitt is also the author of a children’s picture book titled “Solar System Forecast” and a young adult dystopian novel called “A Different Sky.” When she is not immersed in astronomy, Whitt enjoys traveling to national parks, creating crossword puzzles, and engaging in outdoor activities. She currently resides in Wisconsin.
detail photograph

1) How can PAA help individuals see more detail and appreciate the colors of the planets?

Be able to see more detail and appreciate the colors of the planets. Venus will appear as a bright, crescent-shaped object, while Mars will display a reddish hue.

The alignment of Venus, Mars, and Regulus in the night sky is a rare occurrence that adds a magical touch to the beauty of the cosmos. This trio will create a breathtaking sight and provide a unique opportunity for sky gazers and astronomy enthusiasts to witness the power and wonders of our solar system.

It is important to note that this celestial event will only be visible in the evening sky, so make sure to find a clear and open space away from city lights to get the best view. A high vantage point, such as a hill or rooftop, would also enhance the experience.

Mark your calendars for the evenings of July 9 and 10, 2023, and prepare to be captivated by the mesmerizing display of Venus, Mars, and Regulus. Don’t forget to grab your binoculars and immerse yourself in the celestial delights of the night sky.

1 thought on “Venus, Mars, and Regulus: A Celestial Trio Lights Up the Night Sky in July 2023”

  1. “Can’t wait to gaze at Venus, Mars, and Regulus shining brightly in the night sky! A celestial delight worth marking on the calendar for July 2023.”


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