Home » today » Entertainment » Venice Film Festival, the red carpet is not denied to anyone: from the influencers to the ex of the Gf, they all arrive in search of five minutes of glory

Venice Film Festival, the red carpet is not denied to anyone: from the influencers to the ex of the Gf, they all arrive in search of five minutes of glory

Essential premise: a red carpet is not denied to anyone. Two indispensable premise: behind certain unlikely forays on the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival there is often the kind intercession of a sponsor, an invitation offered or simply a ticket paid out of one’s own pocket to scrape together a few moments of visibility. The Radio 24 journalist explained it clearly Marta Cagnola, in September 2020: “I tell those who complain about influencers and poor people on the red carpet, that anyone can spend 50 euros, buy a ticket and enter the Great Hall from the red carpet for a screening”. But a year later we are still at the same point: the head full of “but who?” and the astonishment caused by some catwalks whose meaning escapes even the most experienced of gossip and television. Let’s face it, who thought that the apex of the Venetian “trash” was met with Dayane Mello e Giulia Salemi – “smutandate” Belén’s butterfly trend, back in 2016 – we had to change our minds. In the meantime, count of the red carpet exaggerations has been lost and the gallery of horrors has risen thanks to unlikely characters, VIPs for lack of evidence, reduci dai reality, professional gaffeers, mythomaniacs, opinion leaders looking for a hostess, famous aspirants and parsley from the fourth row, which give life to a very ferocious Barnum Circus. You look at them and think: “But did they all meet at the Lido after the closing of the D’Urso programs?”.

The hyper-presenters are obviously the influencers, or presumed such, who without the filters of Instagram and without the protein drinks in hand struggle to be recognized even by the first relatives. Let alone the photographers of the Lido: up to three minutes before they flashed non-stop Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez e Ben Affleck, then suddenly they find themselves in front of someone who was a suitor a Men and women ten years ago. It cannot be said that the red carpet is not democratic: there is room for the planetary star and also for those who, until the other day, hung out on the periphery of popularity and suddenly found themselves at the center of the party. Without talents or artistic merits, but in the pocket of the tuxedo loaned or hired an invitation for the premiere of a film that he will probably never see (again from the Venetian chronicles of La Cagnola: “My favorites, however, remain those who borrow clothes, they get their tickets given by sponsors, they go on the red carpet with some photographer friends who grace them with a few shots, they enter the Palazzo del Cinema then sneak out immediately “). Free sponsor in free status: each brand invites and invests in whomever it likes to take advantage of the access spotlight on the Cinema exhibition but often makes mistakes and focuses on characters who once at most would have made some hosted in the disco and would have also been bounced to the TeleGatti. The result? A spectacle of a bleak melancholy, like those brushstrokes of Enrico Lucci’s services from the red carpet of the Rome Film Festival or like certain days in Sanremo, with people who would tear apart for a selfie with Fiorello but then end up being satisfied with the one with the Liz Taylor look-alike.

In Venice the “do you notice me more if I come and stay on the sidelines or if I don’t come at all?” it is not fair. Everyone, absolutely everyone, is looking for their five minutes of glory to be spread for days on social media. Those with an invitation, those with an attendance fee, those with the jewels and the containment belly lent, those without contracts in a pocket but with unmotivated dreams of glory. The red carpet as an extension of one’s ego. “Practically these days it is you and me who are reading this post who do not have the Getty Images written on the photos”, writes Trash Italiano. Fierce but true synthesis. And it proposes the whole corollary of Drusilla Gucci clinging to Francesco Chiofalo (ex Temptation Island), Luigi Fabulous ed Elena Morality (a lifetime from Pupa and nerd), Stefano Sala e Dasha Dereviankina, Pietro Tartaglione e Rosa Perrotta (formerly Men and Women), Antonella Fjordelisis (formerly of Chiofalo), Natalia Compare e Andrea Zelletta (from the Gf Vip with fury), but also Giorgio Manetti (formerly of Gemma Galgani, who in the meantime has also had her breasts remade after the face lift), who takes the opportunity to launch the short film of which she is the protagonist. “Someone will think: ‘and what did you have to do with the Venice Film Festival?’ Probably not much but they invited me and it seemed bad it won’t go ”, explained Guendalina Tavassi, who also suddenly appeared on the red carpet. Long live the irony, always, but much more is expected from Venice: international glamor and great talents, not characters who once would have bounced even from the red carpet of the TeleGatti.

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