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Venice Carnival opens with “Flight of the Angel”


The Venice Carnival was opened with the traditional “Flight of the Angel”. On Sunday, thousands of people watched a young woman disguised as an angel swinging into the air on a rope from the 99-meter bell tower of St. Mark’s Basilica. The carnival angel let confetti sail onto the crowd.


“Angel” Linda Pani “flies” over St. Mark’s Square in Venice

“It’s pure energy,” said Linda Pani, who played the angel this year, on her flight high above St. Mark’s Square. “It was extraordinary, I felt the wind, the sea, the earth and the fire in me.” Pani said the moments in the air were “maybe the happiest three minutes of my life”.

The Venice Carnival is a centuries-old tradition. It was first celebrated in 1162 after a military victory. The spectacle with opulent costumes and imaginative masks attracts numerous visitors from home and abroad every year. This year the Venice Carnival lasts until February 25th.

Source: Apa / Ag.

Accessed 16.02.2020 at 11:57 on https://www.sn.at/panorama/international/karneval-in-venedig-mit-flug-des-engels-eroeffnet-83560552

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