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Venezuela’s controversial Supreme Court of Justice declared Maduro the winner

President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela (TSJ), Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguezconfirmed the supposed victory of President Nicolás Maduro in the elections of July 28. After an alleged investigation of the minutes of the presidential elections, which have not yet been published National Electoral Council (NEC)the TSJ confirmed that Maduro was ahead Edmundo Gonzalez.

he is TSJ It is controlled by Chavismo, therefore, its decisions are strongly questioned. “Based on the results obtained in the expert opinion process, we can conclude that the leaflets sent by the National Electoral Council “They are supported by the count reports sent by each machine used in the election process,” said the president of the group. High Court of Justice from Venezuela.

Likewise, the Court asked the opponent Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia it was sanctioned for “contempt” of the court’s mandate, which “carries the sanctions provided for in the current legal system.” ”

Contrary to what he says CNEthat various political parties have been accused of fraud, the opposition published the minutes that show that Edmundo Gonzalez He won the elections for the Presidency of Venezuela with more than 6.2 million votes. While the president Nicolas Maduro He did not exceed two and a half million votes.

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