Home » World » Venezuelan Supreme Court Electoral Chamber certifies victory of Nicolás Maduro – 2024-08-23 10:33:15

Venezuelan Supreme Court Electoral Chamber certifies victory of Nicolás Maduro – 2024-08-23 10:33:15


The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela issued a ruling this Thursday in Caracas on the investigation carried out regarding the contentious appeal filed by President Nicolás Maduro, related to the June 28 presidential elections.

Judge Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez Rodríguez read the ruling. She was accompanied by judges Fanny Márquez and Inocencio Figueroa, members of the Electoral Chamber. Based on the results obtained in the expert report, Rodríguez Rodríguez assured that the results bulletins of the National Electoral Council (CNE) are consistent with the reports from the electoral machines and the results totaling centers.

Based on the in-depth investigation carried out, the dispute was declared admissible and the results of the presidential election offered by the CNE were validated.

She pointed out that there was an exhaustive and in-depth examination of the physical/digital materials on the elections, carried out in accordance with the highest national and international standards: “Based on the process, the CNE bulletins are supported by the minutes of the scrutiny by the voting machines deployed in the process. The machines match the totalization centers,” said the magistrate.

He confirmed the jurisdiction of the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ to initiate a judicial investigation process, to assess the results of the electoral process and to resolve the dispute. He asserted that the courts of justice constitute instances to decide in the States of Law.

He pointed out that the jurisdiction is based on local legislation and legislation compared with other regional and global experiences (among which he cited the Mexican court).

He highlighted the attendance of the CNE when summoned, except for one rector who did not do so. He recalled that of the 38 political parties that participated in the presidential elections, all attended the appearances before the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ and 33 submitted electoral material.

He said that nine of the ten candidates cited also attended. He added that the former candidate Edmundo González did not attend and was declared in contempt for not adhering to the constitutional order. He emphasized that representatives of the political parties that supported the former candidate of the Democratic Unity Platform (PUD) did not submit electoral material. During the hearing they reported that they did not have minutes and did not safeguard anything.

The judge confirmed that an attempted coup d’état accompanied by a large-scale cyber attack had taken place in the country.

He urged the CNE to publish the results in the Electoral Gazette, according to article 155 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes. “The CNE will order the publication of the results in the GE within 30 days following the announcement,” he indicated.

He said that he urgently sends a copy of the sentence to the Attorney General of the Republic to determine responsibilities for alleged crimes of impersonation of functions, computer crimes, criminal association and incitement to cause disorder, among others.

He thanked the international observers and experts who were involved in the presidential election’s expertise for their collaboration. He highlighted the support shown by them and their high technical level.

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