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Venezuela, another oil-flavored coup attempt?

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History repeats itself in the attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan constitutional government in 2002, 2014, 2017 and 2019, as happened in other Latin American countries that did not follow Washington’s orders . In addition to the orders of the United States government and the necessary cooperation of the hegemonic media, this time there was interference on the Internet and the distribution of election data.

As in the worst times of the Cold War and the Condor Plan with which the United States organized – together with the military governments it imposed in the region – the genocide of leftist leaders and terrorists in the semi- world, several Latin American governments joined the attack against Venezuela and supported coup planners in the last 22 years.

The Organization of American States (OAS) called an emergency meeting for this Wednesday due to the outcome of the presidential elections in Venezuela.

The OAS, led by Uruguayan Luis Almagro, who has tried for years to separate the Venezuelan government, called on member countries to participate in the meeting that will be held in Washington. The call was made at the request of Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

All based on a pre-script. The script of the previous years has been repeated, the farthest opposition continues to not recognize the results that defeated Nicolás Maduro.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said: “What must the OAS do? That is obstruction and that is why the OAS does not have credibility. On what basis does the OAS claim that the other candidate won? Where is the evidence, he pointed out at a press conference. “It is predictable, because it is not a democratic or autonomous organization, and it does not represent the American countries (…) It is not necessary…

“On what basis does the OAS claim that the other candidate won, where is the evidence?” «Moreover, when the fraud happened in 2006 in Mexico, there were no reports, now there is a lot of propaganda [sobre las elecciones en Venezuela]», he said.

Strange: accusations of fraud come before the elections: if we don’t win that means there is fraud, because my polls say I won by a landslide. There is no need to prove anything, it is about applying the collective imagination to these fourth and fifth generation wars, in which the US has so much experience not only in America.

During the election campaign, an attempt was made to impose the illusion that the only way for Maduro to be re-elected would be massive fraud through the Scottish National Electoral Council, setting what the reality was appear However, so far no viewer has spoken about fraud.

The application of Edmundo González has asked the government to show the minutes of the electoral colleges one by one, but everyone knows that all the witnesses from the political parties, with due credit for each record, copy of said minutes. In other words, every party will automatically have the minutes, table on board, for the whole country. What is serious is the complaint about a major attack on the CNE computer systems that distribute and provide the votes in Caracas.

Intellectual fraud

An analysis of the speech of the opposition during the campaign really shows the intellectual fraud to the last appropriate power in Venezuela, a country that survives despite 900 sanctions and obstacles imposed by the States United involved, among other things, to facilitate the victory of the opposition, but from the extreme right. Of course, that’s not what the right is talking about.

One thousand: Once again, Venezuela is besieged by the threat of a coup d’état trying to restore the Washington-led oligarchic regime that controlled the country until the victory of ar-a- Bolivarian exit in 1998.

The figures and organizations that a few hours ago to honor democracy and promote national reconciliation threw away their masks from the moment they realized that President Nicolás Maduro had defeated on their candidate at the polls, according to the Mexican newspaper La Jornada in its editorial.

The whole thing is prearranged: the lessons are just the excuse. The big corporate media reproduces allegations of fraud as if they were proven facts, ignores Venezuelan legalism and praises the violent, criminal, extreme right-wing shock groups as brave fighters for democracy. Some even equip and finance them.

In addition, multilateral groups join the incessant siege and collectively cast doubt on the results and legitimize the oppressive actions of the opposition, which today reviving the criminal guarimbas. The opposition leaders call themselves late winners and implement the tools of destabilization, with 25 years of experience of criminal activities.

This time an opposition coalition – remember there were 10 candidates competing against the ruling party – gave a straw candidate, a very old adult with no government experience, the mask used by the businessman María Corina Machado, the one a favorite of both the State Department. and the American intelligence agency CIA to manage power. That means taking over the largest oil reserves in the world.

Five years ago, the then deputy leader Juan Guaidó was the mask with which the US, its satellite the Organization of American States (OAS) and its Euro-Western partners, put up the farce of parallel government, used to steal (there is no other word. in Spanish to describe it better) Venezuela’s assets abroad and strengthen the murderous ban with which they are to this day -today preventing the country from receiving all kinds of goods, including food and medicine.

The now forgotten Guaidó, enjoying his robberies and playing paddle tennis in Miami – hand in hand with the Washington government, did great damage to his country. It can be said that he is jointly responsible for the hunger, sickness and misery of millions of his compatriots who cannot lead a normal life because of the permanent invasion of the United States.

They have been destabilizing the bad Venezuelan example for 22 years. Of course, Nicolás Maduro is not Hugo Chávez, who they even tried to kill, until cancer killed him.

María Corina Machado has already announced that the privatization of Petróleos de Venezuela is among her plans. Maybe now they will try to send Edmundo González as “president”, because for them the popular will should not exist.

Aram Ahronian

* Uruguayan journalist and correspondent. Master in Integration. Creator and founder of Telesur. He is the president of the Foundation for Latin American Integration (FILA) and leads the Latin American Center for Strategic Analysis (CLAE)

The opinions expressed in this section are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the newspaper El Clarín

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