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Venezuela affirms that migration is the product of the sanctions imposed by the United States

The Vice Minister for Multilateral Issues of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, Rubén Darío Molina, affirmed that migration has been the product of the economic sanctions imposed by the United States (USA) with the objective of making the model of “social inclusion, of prosperity, equality and well-being of the country.

The statements were released by Molina during his participation in the International Dialogue on Migration of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

“Venezuela has been subjected and is being subjected to endless aggressions from the United States, the European Union (EU), Canada with the imposition of 929 criminal unilateral coercive measures, which have caused migration induced by a fierce economic war and politics”, said the vice minister for Multilateral Issues, according to YVKE.

He added that these measures were implemented as an “imperialist political line” with the participation of international agencies, programs, funds and organizations such as the OIM and UNHCR.

“From 55 billion dollars in income, obtained with our exports, until 2014, we have gone to 5 billion dollars in income in 2022, preventing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),” he remarked.

The vice minister said that they “manipulate or invent” figures with “disregard for scientific rigor” on the number of Venezuelans who have left the country, while pointing out that “they use our migrants for political purposes, forming interagency instances to which Many NGOs add up to share out the loot”.

In January, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil indicated that more than 300,000 people who had emigrated returned by air and land since 2020, without specifying the nations of origin, of which 30,900 did so through the Plan Vuelta a la Homeland.

With information from Cactus24

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