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Velomobile, a new frontier: the electric pedal car

Classified as a bicycle, covered and comfortable enough, equipped with a battery. The model of the moment is the Norwegian PodBike

Practical, economical, with a small footprint and zero impact on the environment: velomobiles slowly begin to conquer a slice of the mobility market thanks to the favorable moment that looks with increasing interest at alternatives. They are vehicles equipped with an aerodynamic fairing, which protects from atmospheric agents and helps efficiency during movement. They are moved by the strength of the legs, but helped more and more frequently by an electric motor. Unlike the bicycle, the driving position is reclined: you sit with your back resting, just like in some latest generation exercise bikes found in the gym. In case of restarts you can have difficulties, but once started the velomobile requires less energy than a motorcycle, especially for those of the latest generation, built with highly performing and light materials, so much so that despite the electrification, they manage not to exceed 30 kg.


The goal of velomobiles is to combine the advantages of the car with those of a pedal assisted bicycle, trying to minimize the limits of both. For now, the land of choice is Northern Europe: not surprisingly, the most interesting model – expected for 2021 – comes from Frikiar, builder from Stavanger (Norway). It is called PodBike, has an attractive design and a long list of strengths, starting with the ability to move anywhere. As it is classified as a bicycle, it can travel through areas closed to car traffic, including cycle paths. In addition, compared to an average car, it takes up a third of the space and is therefore much easier to park: it is only 2.3 meters long and 84 centimeters wide. Not only is there the possibility of removing the roof to travel in the open during the summer but there is a second seat behind the driver’s seat, which can be used to accommodate a child or luggage (160 liters of capacity) .


In addition to the energy of the driver-cyclist, the PodBike can use the electric motor to move. With a maximum speed of 60 km / h and a range of up to 90 km, but there is room to fit extra batteries. Safety is guaranteed by a body built in resistant materials and evidently by the presence of three wheels. Also available are heating and a cabin air filter. The Frikar will have a basic cost of 5 thousand euros: it makes you smile thinking that on the one hand it represents the technological avant-garde but the concept comes directly from prehistoric times, at least from that imagined by Hanna and Barbera in their cartoons. Fred Flintstone’s car – the famous Flintmobile – had four wheels, was covered by a cockpit, but was moved by the strength of the legs.

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