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Vegetable wraps are so unhealthy (and very misleading)

Do you now buy beet wraps or carrot wraps instead of the ‘regular’ variant? Or have you replaced your pasta with lentil pasta because you think it’s healthier? Then there’s bad news. The Keuringsdienst van Waarde showed that these decoy vegetables are not only more expensive, but also contain more calories, more sugars and less fiber.

Vegetable wraps are not so healthy

If you think the vegetable wraps during lunch or dinner contribute to the taking the recommended 250 grams of vegetables per day, then you will be disappointed. Brands are cleverly responding to the need to eat enough vegetables in a different way, but whether there are really that many vegetables in the wraps or pasta remains to be seen.

The packaging may state that sometimes up to 50 percent vegetables are used, but according to the Keuringsdienst van Waarde, this works differently in practice. Vegetables are first weighed and then ground into a powder or puree. A little of that is added to the product, such as the wraps. The packaging often does not state how much powder or puree is in the product, but how many grams the first weighing moment was. ah.

Also read: You save so much money if you never buy pre-cut vegetables again

more sugar

The so-called attract vegetables are therefore not a good source of nutrients, according to experts in the program. Not only are these ‘healthy’ products more expensive, they also contain more fats and sugars than normal wraps. In addition, it contains less fiber. It is therefore better to use a carrot in your dish than to eat a carrot wrap as a replacement. Conclusion? It is better to buy whole grain products and add vegetables yourself during cooking. It’s cheaper too.

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Source: Dragonfly
Foto: Getty Images

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