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Vegar Hoel (47) is dead – VG

ACTOR: Hoel appeared in a number of films, here from «Børning 2».

The actor died after a long illness. – He managed to keep his spirits up in the most serious situation, says his friend Hans Petter Jørgensen.


It is with great sadness that we must report that the actor Geir Vegar Hoel passed away today after a long illness, writes colleague Hans Petter Jørgensen on behalf of Hoel’s family and friends, according to Stavanger Aftenblad.

Profiled actor

Hoel, who often only used Vegar as his first name, was born in Stord, and he made a name for himself in films such as “Mongoland”, “All for Egil”, “United”, “The man who loved Yngve” and “Dead snow”.

He also appeared in TV productions such as “Lykkeland” and “Okkupert”.

In 2005, Hoel was named Stavanger Artist of the Year.

In addition to his acting job, Hoel has directed the film “Kill Buljo 2”.

– And prince

Ingar Helge Gimle paints a warm picture of her colleague. They played together in “Dead Snow 2” in 2014.

– He was easy to admire. He had such a warm personality and was a nice actor that I immediately fell in love with, even though we did not know each other very well. He created a very good mood on the set and had lots of humor, a prince. So young, this really hurts to read.

ILLNESS: Hoel passed away on Monday after a long illness.

– So good at taking things in stride

Hans Petter Jørgensen is a close friend and colleague of Vegar Hoel. They first got to know each other during their study days in Stavanger in the 90s.

– Then we made student revues and various bizarre concerts around student inns in Stavanger, Jørgensen says to VG.

Hoel is one of the people that Jørgensen has laughed at the most, he says.

– For example, Vegar around a table that tells stories. He was so good at taking things in stride and could make art and humor out of the moment.

The last three years have been marked by the disease, says Jørgensen.

– It has fluctuated up and down from terminally ill to good periods.

Despite the fact that Hoel has had dark clouds over him for a long period, the humor has always been within reach.

– He is famous for a rather dark humor, and he used it several times when I talked to him. He managed to keep his spirits up in the most serious situation, says Jørgensen.

Hoel appeared in a number of plays at Rogaland Theater:

– How to describe Vegar Hoel? He was just Vegar, and there is no one else who can take that place. He has been a force in so many contexts, both locally, nationally and in international cultural life. Vegar was completely unique in everything he did, both as an illustrator, actor and director, says theater director Glenn André Kaada at Rogaland Theater to Stavanger Aftenblad.

Kept the courage up until the last moment

Arild Østin Ommundsen directed the film «Mongoland», in which Vegar Hoel starred. He has known Hoel for 25 years and describes him as a best friend.

– The last three years after he became ill, he has gone from being a good guy to a guy I almost lack words to describe, says Ommundsen.

He says that Hoel showed great joy in life, despite the gloomy predictions.

– It is difficult to imagine how you can behave like this in such a situation where you have received a “judgment”. He has become a man who only shines with love for everything around him, says Ommundsen.

He says that even doctors and nurses cried with them at the hospital when Hoel passed away.

– He’s had a show up there! He uses a lot of energy to spread joy. He’s been an entertainment machine. In such a situation, it would have been more normal to ask for sympathy, instead he has driven and spread joy, says Ommundsen.

BEST FRIEND: Arild Ø. Ommundsen and Vegar Hoel were best friends until the last moment, he says. – Vegar is a guy who has an obvious place as a center no matter where he is. Therefore, of course, for us it is a completely irreplaceable hole he leaves behind.

Arild Ø. Ommundsen remembers an episode from 25 years ago, after Ommundsen had long tried to become Vegar Hoel’s friend.

– I remember he once said: “When things go to hell sometime in the future, we must not forget that right now we are very happy.” It is typical for him to acknowledge the good things in life.

– One of the last things he said to me was that he did not feel he had anything undone. He has not thrown away his life.

Ommundsen describes it as three terrible years and a cruel day today.

– But as we all said today. Had he been here with us, he would have made a comment that would have made us all laugh.

– He has always been a bit “dark” and sarcastic guy, but there has always been love at the bottom, says Ommundsen.

IN SORROW: Actress Charlotte Frogner.

– Absolutely awful sad

Actress Charlotte Frogner starred alongside Vegar Hoel, most recently in «Dead Snow 2», in 2014.

– I just got to know it now. It’s absolutely awful sad. Vegar was a wonderful person and a good friend. It is a great artist who has left us, says Frogner.

She says that they worked together for the first time in the “Dead Snow” film (2009) and that they have met since in many contexts.

– This is such a great sorrow.

FANTASTIC ACTOR: This is how Rolf Kristian Larsen describes his deceased friend and colleague.

– A creative emergence

Rolf Kristian Larsen became acquainted with Vegar Hoel when he was young and frequented Cementen – a well-known film pub in Stavanger.

They played together in “The man who loved Yngve”, but have also done theater together, first in “The treasure on the pirate island” at Rogaland Theater.

– There is no doubt that Stavanger has lost a great actor. He was a creative upstart and a very powerful person, says Larsen and adds:

– He was a fantastic actor. This is very sad and my thoughts go to the family.

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