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“Vegan food makes you stupid”: “Weltwoche” headline becomes a mockery on Twitter

The title page of the new edition of Weltwoche reads in bold letters: “Vegan food makes you stupid”. And turn into cannibals, according to the lead.

It is not surprising that such a title was followed by many reactions on the Internet. Especially on Twitter, the offensive headline on Thursday led to ridicule and outrage at the same time.

“Who needs a ‘Nebelspalter'”, writes a journalist, for example Gabriel Brönnimann, and thus plays on the newly published satirical sheet by Markus Somm at. Also SP National Councilor Franziska Roth comments ironically: “What do you have to eat in order to create such intelligent titles?”

A headline that cannot be taken seriously. Even publisher and editor-in-chief of the paper Roger Köppel points out the provocation factor in a video message about the new edition and explains: “Provocation makes life interesting.” Just to ask the question is sacrilege.

So is it just a matter of crossing borders in order to have crossed them? Or is there a legitimate criticism of the vegan diet hidden in the article?

The text in “Weltwoche” comes from Udo Pollmer, a German food chemist and non-fiction author who repeatedly shoots against dietary recommendations, diets and vaccinations.

Michael Frauchiger, Chairman of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) in Zurich, writes on Twitter about the content: «This article reveals more about him (Pollmer) and his crude way of thinking than he is dear and aware of. There is nothing instructive about the vegan diet here. “

The Klein Report also ventured into this “crude way of thinking” by Udo Pollmer and comments as follows: The text gives you exactly what the title promises: Lots of provocative statements such as “Avoiding meat arouses the worst qualities in us”, “Veganism is the home of an uprooted generation ”and“ Maybe those who refused to eat had a difficult childhood ”, but one looks in vain for causal connections and well-founded statements in the text.

Anyone who calls cannibalism an “inevitable consequence of veganism” and cites the vegans’ idea of ​​avoiding “alleged animal suffering” as the reason has failed to understand something fundamental about the whole thing.

Especially in times of a global pandemic and an environmental crisis, the cause of which is, among other things, incorrect animal husbandry, such a text is not only out of place, but also embarrassing, concludes the Klein Report.

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