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VDAB sees first drop in vacancies in a year and a half | Inland

The Flemish employment agency VDAB received 27,263 vacancies directly in July. That was 3.5 percent less than the year before. According to the VDAB, this is the first annual decline since February 2021, “although it is still too early to speak of a trend break”.

The Flemish employment agency VDAB received 27,263 vacancies directly in July. That was 3.5 percent less than the year before. According to the VDAB, this is the first annual decline since February 2021, “although it is still too early to speak of a trend break”.

Over the past twelve months, the VDAB received 406,073 vacancies, still 36.3 percent more on an annual basis. Growth is decreasing, in June it was still 41.9 percent.

The decrease in July was particularly noticeable among the low-skilled (-8.4 percent) and the highly skilled (-3.3 percent). In terms of sectors, the primary sector (raw materials, ed.) and the metals sector in particular were looking for fewer personnel, a decrease of about half each time. There was a slight decrease in hospitality and tourism (-6.7 percent), although this sector still had the most vacancies: more than 1,200. “Relaxation, culture and sport” and “other services” had even more vacancies in the past month.

The figures of the VDAB relate to vacancies for the normal economic circuit, without temporary assignments.

Seasonal effect

Flemish Minister of Work Jo Brouns (CD&V) believes that there may be a seasonal effect. He emphasizes that Flanders has already made considerable efforts to help Flemish people of active age find work. “Since the start of the legislature, 66,100 extra people have already started working. The employment rate was 76.6 percent in the first quarter of this year, the highest rate ever.”

Efforts will be continued to work towards an employment rate of 80 percent, says Minister Brouns. For example, investments are made in concrete cooperation agreements between VDAB and local authorities; there should be one with every local government by the end of this year. In addition, the Decree on individual customization will come into effect in the middle of next year, which should create more opportunities for people with an occupational disability and provide support for their employer. From the end of this year, more than 730,000 employees will receive a Flemish job bonus to make work more rewarding.

The minister wants to tackle the shortage on the labor market through a new Flemish Employment Agreement with the social partners. “We are investing no less than 100 million euros. The aim is to employ more than 33,000 people. Among other things, we invest in an effective VDAB. More than ever, we focus on the group of the non-professionally active: the long-term sick, living wage earners, returners, people with an occupational disability, etc. For example, we want to work out no less than 30,000 reintegration processes for the long-term sick during this legislature. In addition, VDAB will adjust the contact strategy”, whereby an assessment is made as soon as possible after registration as a job seeker about the self-reliance of the person in question.

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