Home » today » Business » Vázquez offers Freire a loan so that Noia can take back the shipyard

Vázquez offers Freire a loan so that Noia can take back the shipyard

GIRL. The Regional Minister for the Environment, Territory and Housing, Ángeles Vázquez, told the mayor of Noia, Santiago Freire, that the department she directs has a Cooperation Fund, a program for the recovery of real estate and buildings for public use. Ángeles Vázquez held a telematic meeting with the local councilor, to whom she explained that it is a program to support the financing of actions for the rehabilitation or conservation of the heritage built in municipalities with less than fifty thousand inhabitants, through interest-free loans. , to be returned within a maximum period of eight years. In this sense, the representative of the Autonomous Administration invited the councilor to participate in this program of the Instituto Galego da Vivenda e Solo and request a loan of four hundred thousand euros to recover the old shipyard of the town and allocate the space to sports activities and nautical, as the local administration intends to undertake. Finally, the head of the Environment, Territory and Housing advanced to the president that the forecast of the Xunta de Galicia is to open the aforementioned call in the coming weeks and that it will have four million euros. suso souto

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