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Vaud: Alpine refreshment bars reopen with uncertainty – Switzerland

The alpine refreshment season has just started a little late, the coronavirus crisis requires. If they have not lost too many days of operation, they want a relaxation of health restrictions to live a great summer.

“The alpine refreshments generally reopen at this time of the year. We therefore had no losses in the previous months. We are lucky compared to the other restaurants, especially those in town, ”admits Loïc Favre, waiter at the Châtel refreshment stand at the Col du Mollendruz (VD).

However, he admits that the situation is far from optimal, his establishment having lost more than a third of its tables to comply with the directives of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). “We had the choice between having two meters between the tables or installing walls,” he noted, explaining that he had chosen the second option to receive more customers.

Like many other sectors, alpine refreshment stands are impatiently awaiting the next Federal Council decisions of May 27 on the aftermath of the deconfinement. “It would be very convenient for us to be able to accommodate groups of more than four people,” says Loïc Favre.

To be reactive

A few kilometers away, at the Le Chalottet refreshment bar on the heights of the Vallée de Joux, there is also hope for a relaxation of health directives. “Conditions are currently restrictive. We have lost more than half of our places, ”notes manager Stéphanie Favre.

She believes that the success of the summer season is uncertain. “We are in an unusual situation and there are still many uncertainties. We cannot make any predictions, ”she admits.

In these conditions, it is imperative to be “reactive” and to manage “as and when,” says Stéphanie Favre. The manager of Chalottet explains for example that she has hired fewer staff to start this new season.

Created: 21.05.2020, 6:21 p.m.

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