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Vatican News: The Pontifical Swiss Guard Prepares with Enthusiasm for Passover Triduum

In order to assist the various activities presided over by the Pope during Holy Week, the Swiss Guard conducted drills and training at the headquarters in advance. After going through the epidemic restrictions, it is now possible to return to normal life. Deputy Corporal Chinotti expressed happily on behalf of his companions, “Although we have a lot of work to do, we are very happy.”

(Vatican News Network) At the St. Anne’s Gate in the Vatican, the sound of footsteps and drums can often be heard from the Pope’s Swiss Guard battalion these days. “What’s going on?” “They’re getting ready for the Passover liturgy,” replied someone familiar with the inner workings. Deputy Corporal Eliah Cinotti also confirmed on Telepace that the historic program “He is not here, he has risen” will be broadcast next Sunday at 15 o’clock.

most important time of year
Chinotti emphasized: “Like Christmas, Easter is one of the most important times of the year for us. All members go into action and suspend their vacation during this period. Except for the guards and Outside the Guards inside the Basilica, 31 more will take part in the work on St. Peter’s Square.

great enthusiasm
Chinotti continued: “On Easter we will carry the flag of the Vatican, not that of the Guards, as in the oath. In order to adapt to marching with the heavy armor on the shoulders, we need to do physical training in the first few weeks.” Speaking At the same time, he pointed to the two blue lines on the courtyard floor, which indicated the correct distance between the two processions, which was also observed on Easter Day in St. Paul’s Square. There is another detail to note: the procession will start from the Courtyard of Honor and pass through the Viridaria Gate (la porta ‘viridaria’), which leads directly to Bernini’s Colonnade. Chinotti emphasized: “This door is only open on Easter, Christmas, the election of a new pope and the birthday of our guard.” The event marks a return to normalcy in post-pandemic life.

Let young people know about our mission
Although the mission of the Pope’s Swiss Guard has been tense since the day of Ashcombs, it was a great joy to welcome many new faces and pilgrims to Rome. Afterwards, Chinotti mentioned the routine swearing-in ceremony for recruits on May 6. “This will be a historic moment because when the recruits take the oath, we can see a lot of people in the courtyard of San Damaso.” In the past few years, due to the epidemic, only relatives attended the recruits’ oath ceremony. Now is the time to celebrate with friends and family, and have the chance to see the Pope’s Swiss Guard up close. One of Chinotti’s most important responsibilities was dealing with the media, a recently appointed vice corporal. “Given the rapid changes in communication, it’s a challenge for young people to understand our mission. We’re addressing this challenge primarily through social media and hope to increase our transparency in the future.”

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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