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Vasco, Ancona at your feet: the Komandante show inflames the Del Conero of 40 thousand

ANCONA- «Finally, finally, finally. Hello Ancona, here we are again ». It was just sixty seconds before 21.00 when Vasco Rossi climbs the imposing stage set up at the Del Conero and embraces the thirty-three thousand present, to which ten thousand more must be added considering how many have stationed in the neighboring streets and in the “hill”. Prato (packed beyond belief already from 4.00 pm), steps, grandstand and north curve sang, jumped and danced to the rhythm of the Komandante who appeared in better shape than ever despite his seventies. Seventy years that, for someone like him, don’t seem to be worth it. Pure emotions, with a moving finale around eleven and three-quarters after almost three hours at the highest level. To Vasco.

What for all the insiders, already on the eve, had to be considered the event of the year has met expectations with a show of music, lights and colors that the last two years of the pandemic had sadly relegated to the attic. Twenty-seven songs in the lineup, the old hits and the new ones, with the countless evergreens sung at the top of their voices by all present. From XI Commandment to Albachiara (as always the most popular of all), passing through I take you and I take you away, Without words, A sense, There are those who say no, Stupendous, We are alone, Rewind, Sally, reckless life and many other. Ovation, at the moment of the presentation of the band, for Claudio Golinelli, for everyone “Il Gallo”. Known the comparison of him with Keith Richards gave birth, too, to moments of great music on stage. And in the end, in the general riot of festoons fired and tears of emotion, that creepy “Hello Ancona” that closed an extraordinary evening.

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The Blasco against the war

«How much I have missed you, luckily it’s over. Long last”. Blasco, who dedicated his message against the war in Ukraine and all the wars in the world, is never banal: “Fuck the war – Zocca’s rocker made his debut around 11.00 pm before the grand finale – After Covid there is also war , brothers of Europe. All wars are against civilization, against humanity, against children. The victims of all wars are the weak, the children, the elderly. We want to live in peace, enough with wars we can’t take it anymore. Music is against war, we sing against all wars. Only love will save us, love is music. Make love, don’t make war, this phrase is always relevant ».

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The “Ancona” day of the Kom

Vasco arrived yesterday – 25 June – at Falconara airport, coming from Bari, just long enough to take the lineup of his flight and be immortalized by the shot of two operators who did not miss the opportunity of a souvenir selfie. The choice of the rock star’s withdrawal from Ancona, as emerged in recent days, fell on the Seebay of Portonovo. Also yesterday, but in the evening, the briefing at Del Conero. Nine times in Ancona, the last time in 2011, nine different emotions for a city that has now entered his heart. The wait was also for the gigantic stage, conceived by the genius of the Milanese studio Giò Forma: width 90 meters, depth 26 meters, height 28 meters for a weight of two hundred tons. Fifty-two trucks were needed to transport him and were parked in the parking lot in front of the stadium.

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The forces in play

The rescue task force, set up by the Ancona Yellow Cross, was intense and managed the phases of the concert and the very long “pre” in a timely manner. Ten ambulances, a quad, a minivan for the disabled, six doctors and ten nurses, a post with a tent, radio operators and a large group of rescuers. In addition to the staff of the Yellow Cross at Del Conero there are also the Avis of Montemarciano, Green Cross Castelfidardo, Yellow Cross Camerano and Yellow Cross Falconara. The aforementioned quad moved inside and outside the facility. From the morning the transport plan is also active, in particular projected to the inflow and outflow of people, with four lines of free dedicated shuttles (Blu from the station, Verde from Tavernelle, Rossa from Palaindoor, Viola from the engineering parking lot). Thirty buses in service for a total of 236 trips. There were eight parking places in the northern area and six parking areas at the Baraccola. The Gross Center car park was also used, containing 3000 parking spaces. The numbers are also important for the staff: 70 agents of the Local Police, 100 volunteers of the Civil Protection, 30 municipal employees, 12 Mobility & Parking auxiliaries.

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The lawn of the stadium

Within a contractual clause signed between the organizers of the Vasco concert and the Municipality of Ancona, the amount necessary to redo the lawn of the Del Conero stadium, which will be used for the next Lega Pro dell’Ancona, has also been included. About 60 thousand euros were calculated divided between Ultimo and Vasco. The rent of the stadium was set at one thousand euros for each of the eight days requested by the organizers plus 7 thousand for the day of the concert. The company that organized the event was also requested by the Municipality for a one-off contribution of 5 thousand euros (plus VAT) to support the costs of public transport.

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