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Various Theories of the Formation of the Solar System and Their Explanations

Formation theory solar system is a theory that discusses how the solar system formed. The solar system is an arrangement or system of associations of celestial bodies that revolve around the sun.

This solar system consists of the sun as its center, then there are 8 planets, meteors, asteroids, and comets. The location of this solar system is on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy which has an age of 4.6 billion years.


Theories of the Formation of the Solar System

Talking about this solar system, maybe you often ask about the origin of the formation of this solar system. With the development of the era, a number of theories emerged stating how this solar system came to be.

Maybe you’ve heard some of these theories?

Nebula theory

Often dubbed the fog theory, which states that the solar system was formed because of a gas mist outside space is spinning slow down. In the end, the gas forms a flat disk that has a mass core that is the sun, while the mass at the edges cools and forms planets around the sun.

Theory Planetesimal

Understanding the second theory that explains the formation of the solar system is the Planetesimal theory theorized by Forest R Moulton and Thomas C Chamberlin.

This theory says that the sun has existed since the beginning, while the planets are the result of the incident of a large star, like the sun, orbiting the sun. Due to the gravitational force of the stars, solar particles are dragged out and expand in space to form other planets.

Dust Cloud Theory

Is a theory that sparked the solar system is a collection of gas and dust which then rotates and forms a disk. After its rotation, the gas and dust will form like a disk and slowly transform themselves into a planet.

Tidal Theory

Next, there is the tidal theory. This theory is the culmination of James Jeans. His opinion related to the formation of the solar system is that the solar system, including the earth, was formed due to the presence of other stars that were approaching to almost collide with the DO.

There are many more theories of the formation of the solar system that you must know. Cultivate a love of reading from now on. Nature still has a lot of knowledge for you to reveal the facts.

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