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Various Processing Devices in Computers and Their Functions

The motherboard is where many of the other important computer components come together, including the CPU, RAM, hard drive, and video card.

You could say that this motherboard is the center of all the components that are connected so that the computer can function properly.

The existence of the motherboard is very important for a computer because it is the foundation of the computer itself.

Well, for its function is to allocate power and allow communication to and between the CPU, RAM, and all other computer hardware components.

4. RAM

RAM is a temporary storage area for information that the CPU uses while the computer is on. (recode.id)

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a temporary storage area for information that the CPU uses while the computer is on.

So, the information stored in RAM is deleted when the computer is turned off.

Like CPUs, RAM consists of small, thin layers, encased in ceramic chips and mounted on circuit boards called DIMMs (dual inline memory modules).

RAM capacity is generally calculated in gigabytes (GB).

The greater the RAM capacity of a computer, the more applications that can be opened at once without making the computer’s performance freeze.

In addition, large RAM support can also make some applications work better in general.

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5. Video Card

Video Card
A Video Card is an expansion card that allows a computer to send graphic information to a video display device such as a monitor, TV, or projector. (pixabay.com)

A video card or graphics card is an expansion card that allows a computer to send graphic information to a video display device such as a monitor, TV, or projector.

This one piece of hardware is rectangular in shape with multiple contacts on the bottom of the card and one or more ports on the side for connection to video displays and other devices.

The five processing hardware above include components in the computer that must be protected.

Therefore, a computer also needs a strong case in order to protect all its internal components to keep it safe.

A computer case (also known as a computer chassis, tower, system unit, or cabinet) is an external component of the computer that serves to cover and protect the components inside the computer, such as the motherboard, storage space, and memory card.

Computer cases are usually made of steel, aluminum, and plastic.

The size or form factor of computer cases varies.

It is usually determined by the form factor of the motherboard which is the largest component in most computers.


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