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Various Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Breastfeeding Mothers

Moringa leaves. (Photo: Pixabay)

SURYAKEPRI.COM – Not only pregnant women, the benefits of Moringa leaves for breastfeeding mothers have also long been known among the public. Various nutritional content in it is known to increase milk production, so it is good for the growth and development of the baby.

In general, breastfeeding mothers need more calories to meet daily nutritional intake and ensure smooth milk production.

To increase the intake of these nutrients, breastfeeding mothers are advised to eat balanced nutritious foods, such as brown rice, lean meat, eggs, nuts, and fruits and vegetables.

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Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) is known to contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium. Not only that, Moringa leaves also contain amino acids and antioxidants needed by nursing mothers.

Because of its nutritional content, the benefits of Moringa leaves for breastfeeding mothers also vary, including:

1. Launch breast milk production

Moringa leaves have long been known as a breast milk smoothing food. The benefits of Moringa leaves for nursing mothers come from the content of phytolesterol compounds that can stimulate and launch breast milk production.

In addition to consuming Moringa leaves, Busui is also advised to breastfeed your little one more often or pump breast milk to facilitate milk production.

2. Increase endurance

When caring for a baby, especially the first few weeks after birth, Busui may often wake up at night or stay up late to feed or change his diaper. This change in routine certainly requires a stronger immune system so that Busui doesn’t get sick and tired easily.

Well, in order to maintain the immune system, Busui can eat vegetables that are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, such as Moringa leaves. In addition to increasing immunity, the benefits of Moringa leaves for nursing mothers can also protect the body from exposure to free radicals.

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