Home » Health » Various abnormalities in the scrotum and testicles, one of which causes men to have breasts! : Ozone health

Various abnormalities in the scrotum and testicles, one of which causes men to have breasts! : Ozone health

MISCELLANEOUS abnormalities in the scrotum and testicles can be read in this article. Health problems related to the penis area are very important for men to know. This is because if there is a disorder in the penis area such as the testicles or scrotum, it can affect sexual function and male fertility.

The testes are part of the male reproductive system. hangs freely behind the penis. The function of the testes is to produce the male hormone testosterone and produce sperm.

For this reason it is important that men pay attention to the health of the area. There are several disorders or abnormalities that occur in the scrotum and testicles of men.

Quoted by webmdFriday (11/5/2022), here is the review for you.

1. Testicular cancer

It occurs when the cells of the testes undergo mutations that make them “misbehave”. In testicular cancer, there is usually a slow-growing, painless lump or firmness in one testicle. In most cases, men themselves find it in the early stages. If a man receives medical treatment early on, testicular cancer is almost always treatable.

2. Testicular torsion

Twisting means to twist. So in this condition there is a torsion in the testicle. It looks like a hose, if it is twisted it will obstruct the flow of water. Similarly with the testicles, if there is a “twist” it blocks the flow of blood vessels into the testicles. The testicles will feel great pain if this condition occurs.

3. Epididymitis

The epididymis is a long coiled tube that sits near the testicles. Its job is to store sperm as they mature. Epididymitis occurs when the epididymis becomes inflamed. The cause can be sexually transmitted infections, accidents, vasectomy, or tension.

4. Varicocele

This occurs when the veins above the testicles dilate. It tends to be harmless. But not infrequently this varicocele can interfere with fertility and cause mild pain.

Various abnormalities in the scrotum and testicle,

5. Hydrocele

It refers to collections of fluid around the testicles that are usually benign. This can happen due to an injury or it can occur on its own.

6. Orchitis

This disease usually arises from sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. The shape is like inflammation of one or both testicles.

7. Hypogonadism

This condition occurs when the testes are able to produce the testosterone hormone that men need. The cause is due to the organ itself or to age, disease, injury, drug use, or chromosomal abnormalities. Hypogonadism often causes erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual desire, and infertility. It is also the cause of reduced beard growth, the appearance of breast tissue in men, and symptoms such as male menopause.

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