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variants of the coronavirus are a risk

“A lockdown would be nice, because it is the only way to lower the infections and recover the tracing. But it is socially and politically not prosecutable”, explains the virologist to Gazzetta Active

After the unexpected stop at the reopening of the ski resorts on the eve of the scheduled date, it is easy to fear that even the reopening of gyms can slip. Now it’s the scareers SARS coronavirus variant del-CoV-2; that English in particular, after the Higher Institute of Health clarified that almost one out of two cases of Covid in Italy is due to this mutation. What to expect, then, on this front too? “Sunday was the last turnaround on sci which unfortunately created controversy ”, Professor Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist of the University of Milan, medical director of the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan and member of the Lombardy CTS told Gazzetta Active. “I think it was something necessary, because what we are observing now is a substantial continuity of the presence of the virus, without a concrete lowering of the number of cases, and of complex cases. A disturbing fact. We need to understand how important the variants because in a short time they went from one percent to 20 percent of the cases found, and this we know that, even in an area of gyms and amateur activities, becomes a risk “.

So would you be in favor of a new lockdown, like Professor Ricciardi?
“Un lockdown it would be nice, because it is the only way to lower the level of incidence below 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, a threshold below which the tracking, that now little is being done, blocking the chains of contagion starting from the individual cases identified. But with these colors we still managed to mitigate the infections. A lockdown after all it is socially and politically not prosecutable. We must begin to think about reopening because we cannot go on with closures that are devastating the psyche and the wallets of many. Refreshments will never be enough to recover economic losses. But we must reopen with great attention. However, we must find ways that allow us to continue the vaccination campaign in a great way, managing it in an economic situation that is as calm as possible ”.

In the specific case of gyms, how will reopening be possible?
“In this case it will really be necessary to start from one-to-one attendance options, or at least limit the number of people, because that’s the risk, it’s the people. Of course there is also indirect contagion from contaminated instruments, but using good hygiene procedures this is manageable “.

Any indication for who will return to the gym?
“Rightly, the places most at risk of gyms, namely the changing rooms, will remain closed. But even in the gym it will always be necessary to keep at least two meters away, also because it will not be possible to wear the mask while exercising. As for the mats, it would be good for everyone to bring their own “.

The courses: better only individual or group but with the right spacing?
“It is a question of progression: we start with caution, with individual courses, and then we evaluate on the basis of the epidemiological trend”.

And in the pool?
As we have already mentioned, in the water the risk of contagion is very low, but it is important to keep your attention especially before and after the dive. The ten square meters per swimmer are indicative, but certainly there cannot be certain past crowds. Recall that the humid heat for the virus it’s a beautiful condition “.

Returning to skiing, considering the variants of the coronavirus that do not seem to subside, does a reopening on March 5 seem realistic to you?
“We have to wait and see. The problem is not skiing itself, but everything around it: travel, socializing… At this moment, every contact must be considered at risk. Let us remember that even protections do not protect one hundred percent. The results are starting to show, but we still have to grit our teeth a little and get vaccinated ”.

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February 16, 2021 (change February 16, 2021 | 09:58)

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