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Vårdval hud is deleted in Stockholm: “The most reliable care option”

The Stockholm region changed color politically after the 2022 election, and with a new center coalition supported by the Left Party, other winds have blown in. A clear example is the care options, which are currently going through a narrowing scheme. Last summer, the governing parties announced that several of the 38 care options would be deleted entirelyincluding skin care. A decision to receive services within open specialty skin care is expected soon. Jonas Lindberg, regional councilor and health care policy spokesperson for the Left Party, sees it as an obvious step and says that skin is the choice of care for the most critical of the region’s care options.

Jonas Lindberg, health care policy spokesperson for the Left Party in the Stockholm Region. Photo: Anna Dvrnik

– This choice of care has made care very unequal. I think there is one concert in the south of the county, and the rest in the inner city. There has also been an incredible focus on monetizing light skin conditions, while at the same time we have gained deep medical competence from the ST doctors employed within the care selection, he says. .

Jonas Lindberg mentions, among other things, Läkartidningen’s report on a concerns from the specialized society of dermatologists over the quality of education for ST doctors in choice of care. Johan Styrud, chairman of the Stockholm medical association, has also explained how ST doctors have become a choice of care. “light version of doctor” with a narrow capacity.

– Everyone who knows something about this matter, such as the specialist society and various medical groups, say that this care option has failed, says Jonas Lindberg.

Therefore, the political board wants to end the care option and instead get several private actors. The reason for choosing that route instead of letting the region take over all skin care is simply that the regional care does not currently have the opportunity to increase the operations to the extent which is essential, according to Jonas Lindberg. On the other hand, a smaller part of the care can be transferred under the auspices of the region.

– But right now we need private players. The advantage compared to a choice of care is that we can now control the number of actors we want and where they should be, says Jonas Lindberg.

According to the political proposal, they also want to review the model for specialist service, so that the doctors always start from the hospitals, even if they work in private clinics. The care selection clinics will no longer be able to hire their own ST doctors. But the Stockholm medical association has previously expressed concerns that ST doctors within the care option will end up in limbo when the care option is closed.

How do you ensure that the training for ST doctors who are employed is within the care option when the agreement ends?

– It is a topic that is being worked on a lot at the education unit at the moment. We have not fully explained how it will be implemented yet, for example if they receive additional training.

A number of other care options are also to be provided. The choice of care in eye care is to be gradually produced and acquired, according to a political decision made in early spring. Pain and fatigue care options are discontinued at the beginning of the year and selective care allergology will disappear in the next year. Vårdval’s planned special lymphedema treatment is also being stopped and care will end at the Sabbatsberg hospital instead. However, two care options that were intended to be discontinued will remain; specialized neurology and geriatrics. In the latter case, the choice of care is reserved for non-profit actors.

– Then there are even more studies and care options going on, where we can see if others should be terminated, integrated or reviewed, says Jonas Lindberg.

Charlotte Broberg (M), group director within the health and medical care board, has spoken before The Swedish Daily that patients are at risk of suffering when care options are closed. Even in the policy proposal to the health and medical care board, it is said that access during the transition period could be adversely affected.

– Of course, that risk exists, even if we have done everything to secure acquisition businesses before the current contract model expires. But there are more risks with keeping the agreements as they are, says Jonas Lindberg.

The formal decision for open specialty skin care will be received on August 27. Jonas Lindberg believes that the care option will be discontinued in 2026 at the earliest.

Read also:
Vårdval’s specialist neurology will remain as it is now in Stockholm
Aleris disappointed with Region Stockholm – the end of an agreement in two areas
Vårdval’s allergology is discontinued – reception canceling the contract early
Concern about the future of ST doctors within broken care options in Stockholm
The care options of the Stockholm area are reduced and changed – five will disappear completely


2024-08-15 14:00:29
#Vårdval #hud #deleted #Stockholm #reliable #care #option

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