Iltalehti followed “Vara-Manta” live. The statue created by the students received its cap at 6 p.m.
The May Day tradition, which is more than a hundred years old, was broken when this year there was no way to celebrate around the Havis Amanda statue, or Manta.
While Manta was under renovation, the students’ traditional laking event was exceptionally organized at Helsinki’s Kansalaistor. The student union of the University of Arts was responsible for attracting the event.
The students had developed a so-called “backup Manta” for the occasion, nothing about which was revealed before the event. It is said to draw elements from Manta’s more than a century of history. Around 17:15 Vice-Manta saw the light of day. The statue was called “Amanda’s little cousin”.
Just before the batting, white caps were spectacularly raised in the air in the large audience. The statue received its cap at 6 p.m.

This is what the student-created Vara-Manta looks like before lacquering. Bubble wrap hangs from the legs of the red-colored plastic statue. Petri Anikari
Named Amanda’s little cousin, the statue was lacquered using traditional methods. Petri Anikari
The event started at Kansalaistor at 4:30 p.m. and the work created by the students was sealed at 6 p.m. In addition to the sealing, several artists performed at the event. Among other things, the band “Because of Tiikerin” performed their song composed for Havis Amanda.
Iltalehti followed Kansalaistori’s May Day holidays.
Kansailaistor was filled with students. Petri Anikari
Students smile in the sensitive Kansalaistor. Petri Anikari
This is what Manta’s painting looked like in 2018. The Havis Amanda statue is normally located on the edge of Helsinki’s Kauppatori. Liisa Kauppinen
#VaraManta #cap