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VAR scene in Regensburg: Referee Hartmann on Cologne’s revoked goal

Jahn Regensburg’s cup victory over 1. FC Köln offered various highlights. However, a controversial scene could have prevented it.

Not Scott Kennedy’s (3rd from left) last cheer on a crazy cup evening in Regensburg.

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It all happened pretty quickly for Scott Kennedy. In the 25th minute, the defender came on for the ailing Sebastian Nachreiner – Regensburg was already 2-0 down. But Kennedy, of all people, scored a massive hit shortly afterwards, before he lost a bit of perspective four turns of the pointer later.

Deliberately clarified or not?

Once again, the 23-year-old was at the center of the action, deliberately clarifying what a new game situation meant in his own penalty area. Nevertheless, the Cologne 3-1 was conceded again by Schmitz because of a supposed offside position of the flanker Duda. This would not have justified Czichos’ passive offside position at the moment of Schmitz’s header – luck for the SSV.

Player profile T. Horn

T. Horn

Horn Timo

Player profile T. Horn

T. Horn


1. FC Cologne

1. FC Cologne


1. FC Köln – club data

1. FC Cologne

Establishment date


1. FC Köln – club data

1. FC Cologne

Establishment date



1. FC Cologne
Billy goat home
Franz-Kremer-Allee 1-3
50937 Cologne
Phone: (02 21) 99 1948 0

Jahn Regensburg – club data

Jahn Regensburg

Establishment date


Jahn Regensburg – club data

Jahn Regensburg

Establishment date



Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 22
93053 Regensburg
Email: [email protected]

“I don’t know exactly what happened,” Kennedy admitted after the final whistle on “Sky”, “to be honest, I thought it was a goal. We were ready to fight our way back two goals.” Cologne goalkeeper Timo Horn only quarreled briefly with this scene and looked for the mistakes elsewhere: “We have to be chalked up for not having played that consistently. Regensburg has earned it through the great fight.”

Referee Robert Hartmann also spoke up and referred to the rules, in which a goal defense reaction, as he classified Kennedy’s clarification, does not create a new game situation. “The previous offside position remains. And that’s why we had to cancel the goal after consulting Cologne.”

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