Home » today » Business » Vaqueros fans invited to official photo; they will raise funds for the fight against cancer – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Vaqueros fans invited to official photo; they will raise funds for the fight against cancer – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

He group of Dallas Cowboys Fans, They call upon the NFL team fansto attend this coming Sunday, September 8, at Monterrey Institute of Technology Chihuahua Campus, where at 10:00 in the morning, the official 2024 photo will be taken, in addition to raising funds to support people who are fighting cancer.

He Club leader, Juan Carlos Sanchez, announced that this noble cause event is carried out in coordination with the Civil Association “Vive sin Cáncer Chihuahua”, who since 2013, assist cancer patients and their loved ones with alternative treatments, in addition to the accompaniment.

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In addition to the traditional photo and fundraisingattendees will be able to enjoy a family party with a sporting atmosphere, in which There will be music, contests and a raffle of prizes Among the gifts for those who made a donation are autographed Dallas Cowboys jerseys and footballs.

To participate in the raffle and donate to this noble causeeach fan must contribute a minimum amount of 150 pesos, which will be used for the people suffering from cancer, start your chemotherapy or radiation treatment

In turn, the leader of the Dallas Cowboys Fans Club, He shared: “We consider it very important to to be able to help each year at the beginning of a person’s treatment against cancer and being able to do our bit as fans and sponsors is something we value.”

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It should be noted that This event will feature the presence of players from the Caudillos de Chihuahua squadas well as an altruistic group alluding to Star Wars, with whom fans will be able to socialize and take a souvenir photo.

It is Dallas Cowboys fan grouphas a total of 2,800 followers and it is estimated that around 600 fans will attend the grand event this Sunday, with the aim of supporting this noble cause in the capital of Chihuahua.

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