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Vannes-le-Châtel. 30 years of Cerfav innovations anchored in a guestbook

A training center celebrating its 30th anniversary , a great deal, you might say! What could be more banal? Except that the creation and development of the European Center for Research and Training in the Glass Arts (Cerfav) stem from enthusiasm, creativity and singularity which justifies a memory book of 256 pages.

The first major volume devoted to Cerfav (Snoeck editions), it allows us to understand the prominent place that the institution occupies within the glassmaking, industrial and cultural world and which it has carved out for thirty years. A somewhat obvious art book, it tells the story of the glass platform of Vannes-le-Châtel. Long considered an atypical, original initiative, Cerfav has gradually gained its acclaim. The 30th anniversary of its creation was ideal for providing a summary and taking stock of the situation.

In the first part, the authors recounted the development of the different axes of development of the poles: training, research and culture. Throughout the pages, the work addresses and develops a chronology of the founding acts and development of Cerfav, giving pride of place to the Glass Creators, former students now well established professional artists.

Exhibition in Nancy in 2022

The second part of the work is dedicated to the exhibition “Glass, 30 years of innovation at Cerfav, Vannes-le-Châtel” which will be held in 2022 at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nancy.

More than 70 works, carefully selected in consultation with the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy, produced by former students of the Créateur Verrier training, famous or emerging, are thus commented on and abundantly illuminated.

The occasion of this anniversary is a good one to salute the role played by Cerfav in France in contemporary glass creation, and to see the results obtained by this unique structure combining training, artistic creation and a research and development center.

We will not forget to mention, for the town, the existence of five to six glass-making artists who have established themselves on the street, directly or indirectly linked with the history of Cerfav.

The exhibition “Glass, 30 years of innovation at Cerfav, Vannes-le-Châtel” will be held from March 26 to September 18, 2022

at the Museum of Fine Arts in Nancy


Years of innovation at Cerfav (European Center for Research and Training in Glass Arts), an emblematic place in the Pays de Colombey.

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