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Vannacci, ‘I want the Italian dream, no more single thoughts’

(ANSA) – ROME, APRIL 28 – “We have an identity to defend that the whole world envies us, we are the homeland of beauty. By wanting to deny our identity we give up an added value that characterizes us. In applying I thought of my daughters, I would like to give them a better Europe and a better Italy, I would like there to be the Italian dream instead of the American one: the possibility for each person to have all the ways open to fully realize themselves based on their own characteristics”. Thus the candidate for the European elections on the League’s lists, Roberto Vannacci, in the interview released on Hoara Borselli’s Youtube channel. “They are imposing on us – complained Vannacci – a single thought by falsifying reality and people are annoyed, they want to return to original values. Italy, whether we like it or not, is a traditionalist country, attached to its roots Just wander around our villages to understand it. Going against the grain and making statements bordering on the banal, therefore, awakens the curiosity and interest of many Italians.” As for the criticisms of his candidacy from various Northern League members, for the general “they are completely legitimate, I am not part of the League, I am an independent candidate. It is normal for those who have served in a party for many years to view a person with skepticism who, overnight, becomes part of it even with a lot of support and is therefore seen as a usurper. The voters will still write the name on the ballot to decide who was right.” Vannacci then reiterated that he had had contacts “with various political realities, I never made promises, I always tried to communicate and then in the end I decided, also because there is a relationship of great trust with Matteo Salvini. He was a one of the first to express solidarity and empathy towards me and has never betrayed his word.” As for his plans in the event of election, he underlined, “Europe’s ideological approach to the environment needs to be totally reviewed, which would risk costing Italians enormously. And the approach to agriculture is also totally wrong. Immigration then – he added – must be regulated, we cannot continue to accept wild immigration; Europe is not an infinite container that will be able to accept immigrants in an unlimited way, it will have to be regulated”. (HANDLE).

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#Vannacci #Italian #dream #single #thoughts
– 2024-04-29 05:33:57

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