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Vanessa Angel’s father is being investigated over allegations of defamation

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Father of the late Vanessa Angel, Doddy Sudrajat reported to Polda Metro Jaya on alleged defamation, Tuesday (28/12) night.

“So I reported that Mr. Doddy Sudrajat was my own victim,” said Rofi’i as a reporter at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday (28/12).

Rofi’i explained that the report began when he made a video addressed to Doddy. The video, said Rofi’i, alludes to Doddy’s plan to move his son’s grave.

Still in the video, Rofi’i also said that he would give a cell phone to Doddy if the plan to move Vanessa’s grave was cancelled.

However, said Rofi’i, it turned out that the video he made was misinterpreted and used by Doddy to defame him.

“And the saddest thing is that the goodness of my sincerity is said, let the dogs bark at the caravan pass,” said Rofi’i.

This report was received by the police with a registered number with the number LP/B/6551/XII/2021/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, December 28, 2021. In the report, the reporting party is on behalf of Rofi’i, and the reported party is Doddy Sudrajat.

Rofi’i reported Doddy on allegations of defamation and or defamation and or any person intentionally and without the right to spread false news through electronic media as per Article 310 of the Criminal Code and or Article 311 of the Criminal Code and or Article 27 paragraph 3 Juncto Article 45 paragraph 1 and or Article 28 paragraph 1 of the ITE Act.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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