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Vandenbroucke announces a table gauging the mental health of Belgians on a daily basis

Ph. Belga

Belgians have become accustomed to reading the report provided by Sciensano every day, which details the figures linked to the coronavirus crisis. Now Frank Vandenbroucke announces that an assessment of the mental health of Belgians will also be provided.

Frank Vandenbroucke has just announced a novelty in the way of communicating the figures linked to the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, Sciensano will not only communicate the number of new contaminations, deaths or people in intensive care, but also a dashboard that will map the mental well-being of Belgians.

In an interview with the newspaper “De Zondag”, the Minister of Health explained that he found this aspect too neglected: “I constantly receive reports on my mobile phone on infections and admissions, but never on mental well-being. This must change in the short term. We’re working on a mental wellness dashboard right now, but it’s partly too late, I’ll admit. “

The minister also expressed his confidence in a positive development of the situation: “I was so happy that the vaccination plan was ready. It gave me hope. “He adds that all vulnerable groups must be vaccinated before the summer and that, as a result,” the pressure on our health care services will be less and we will be able to allow ourselves a little more freedom “.

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