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Vandenbroucke: ‘200,000 vaccines less than promised before March …

AstraZeneca again delivers fewer vaccines than promised. Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (SP.A) said this in Het Journaal.

“It is a good vaccine, but production is not being managed as promised,” Vandenbroucke said of AstraZeneca’s ongoing supply problems. ‘I don’t look too far into the future yet. But at the moment we are getting 200,000 fewer doses than promised before March, a reduction from 700,000 to 500,000.

Very annoying, says Vandenbroucke. ‘That means that the federal states that plan and implement the vaccination campaign must constantly adapt.’

AstraZeneca initially committed to the EU to deliver 90 million vaccines in the first quarter of this year. That was reduced to 40 million. But for the time being the counter is only at just over 8 million doses. While there was good news today about the approval of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, that pharmaceutical company is also showing the promised 55 million vaccines for the EU may not be reached before the summer.

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