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Van Hool Bankruptcy and Job Losses: Trade Unions Blame Family Dispute

After the announcement of the bankruptcy and the disappearance of 1,550 to 1,850 jobs, the trade union front was particularly critical of the Van Hool family. We only feel vicarious shame,” he said.

Saving Van Hool was no longer possible because the Van Hool family, the shareholders of the bus builder, could not agree on a long-standing inheritance issue. The unions did not spare their criticism. “They had the key in their hands, which they did not use,” sneered Kim Samison (ACV). “The dispute within the family was not resolved and so the recovery plan ended up in the trash.”

According to Samison, the company served the family instead of the other way around, and it had no chance. “Family disputes belong at the kitchen table, not the negotiating table,” she continued. “We are union officials and not family therapists or mediators. We can only feel vicarious shame. The only thing we have to be proud of is the way our people have walked this path.”

The trade unionist also pointed out the responsibility of the political and banking world. But she placed the final responsibility mainly on the Van Hool family, “who could not settle a family dispute”. “Inspiring and sad.”

At the start of the press conference, crisis manager Marc Zwaaneveld had also explicitly referred to the role of the owners. “Unfortunately, due to an inheritance dispute, bankruptcy was unavoidable,” he said. “At this point it is over for everyone, an independent Van Hool nv is coming to an end.” This also applies to Zwaaneveld himself: after the bankruptcy, his job as crisis manager is over, his role at Van Hool is over.

2024-04-08 11:57:05
#Van #Hool #family #receives #full #brunt #trade #unions #bankruptcy #feel #vicarious #shame

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