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Van Dissel: No major danger for new corona outbreak

As long as the vast majority of Dutch people adhere to the corona measures, there is no immediate danger of a new outbreak if a small group of people ignore a meter and a half away. Jaap van Dissel, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Control at RIVM, said this to BNR.

Today Van Dissel was last in the House for the summer holidays. Polls show that the percentage of people who do not want to keep their distance is increasing. But Van Dissel does not see this reflected in the contact investigations that the GGD conducts. “We’ve defined and identified groups for which we think it matters less and that we also allow people to do it without a meter and a half – especially children and young adults.”

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Nevertheless, Van Dissel continues to insist on observing that one and a half meter distance as much as possible, because it is one of the most important measures to keep it up and to prevent the virus from spreading around again. ‘Everything carries risks and you weigh up as much relaxation as possible and maintain the most essential things. We have been through a lot of misery on the ICs and in the hospitals, so we have every interest in keeping it that way. ”

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Jaap van Dissel, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Control at RIVMANP / Sem van der Wal

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