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Van Dissel hopeful about corona vaccines | Inland

Although the number of infections is declining, there is no question of easing measures for the time being, was the message of Prime Minister Rutte and Corona Minister De Jonge during a press conference on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Van Dissel and bed planner Ernst Kuipers will update the House about the developments surrounding the corona virus.


The first media reports about the vaccines from Pfizer (90% effective) and Moderna (94% effective) make Van Dissel optimistic: “If you compare that with, for example, existing vaccines against influenza, which usually do not exceed 60% effectiveness, I am nevertheless impressed. ” The infection fighter does have a number of reservations about this hopeful news.

For example, the Pfizer vaccine has to be cooled at a temperature of -70 degrees, a logistical challenge. The Moderna vaccine does not have this problem, and is therefore more practical, says Van Dissel.


It is also not yet clear what influence the vaccines will be on the carrier status of the virus, says Van Dissel on Wednesday. Some vaccines do combat the symptoms of the virus, so that vaccinees are protected against an aggravated clinical picture, but not the presence in, for example, nasal mucous membranes. As a result, the virus can still be transmitted even by vaccinees. It is a crucial question as to what the vaccines mean for the entire fight against the epidemic.

The Health Council has also yet to issue an advice on which groups should be vaccinated first. Examples are vulnerable and care workers. That advice comes Thursday.

Van Dissel also points out that the manufacturers of the vaccines mainly shared their effectiveness reports via the media. “I would also like to see an evaluation in scientific literature.”

The Outbreak Management Team (OMT), which advises the cabinet on corona measures, issued an advice on Christmas on Wednesday morning. The OMT advises Dutch people to celebrate Christmas with a maximum of six people, preferably people from their own region and at a distance of 1.5 meters. The OMT also proposes additional measures to be able to celebrate Christmas in a larger context. If, for example, grandparents are involved during Christmas, the government could advise people to allow fewer visitors and to have less contact with others than usual ten days before the celebration.

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