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Van Ark: extra research for financing mouth mask deal Van Lienden mond

Minister Van Ark wants an extra investigation into the 100 million euros that entrepreneur Sywert van Lienden has received from VWS to buy mouth caps in China. Today, the Minister for Medical Care heard about this so-called pre-financing for the first time and wants to find out more exactly how this happened. She is yet to comment on the course of events. She does think it is a “very high amount”, she said in the parliamentary debate about the corona approach.

Many MPs have critical questions about the face mask deal of entrepreneur, opinion maker and CDA member Sywert van Lienden. In the spring of 2020, he made agreements with the Ministry of Health about the supply of medical face masks. He got it from China and received 100 million euros for it.

Been fooled

Van Lienden said he closed this deal without a profit, “for nothing.” He did it out of community involvement. But the Volkskrant discovered that he was there with two companions has earned a lot. According to research platform Follow the Money, he has been left with more than 9 million euros and the House wants to know whether the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has not been fooled, or whether officials have favored Van Lienden.

public money

The televisionprogramme One today discovered that the purchase of Van Lienden was pre-financed by the department. Van Ark did not know this and said he was surprised about this. Pre-financing is common to prevent someone else from quickly buying up a high-demand item. “I now want to know exactly how everything went. It is about public money and I have to account for that.”

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