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Van Aert and Van Empelová won the first cyclo-cross event in Dublin

2016-18 three-time world champion Van Aert, who is also an elite road racer, grabbed a win in just his second start to the world season. A week ago he was second in Antwerp behind great Dutch rival Mathieu van der Poel, who was absent from Dublin preparing for the road season.

The 28-year-old Van Aert was not deprived of victory by a fall or an uncharacteristic crash from the pit, where a towel caught on his rear wheel. He lost more than a quarter of a minute changing a lap, but rejoined the leading group, from which he broke away starting on the penultimate lap.

The best sprinter in this year’s Tour de France won 14 seconds ahead of compatriot Laurens Sweeck, leader of the PS. Third was this year’s world champion Tom Pidcock from Great Britain.

In the women’s race, Van Empel confirmed his lead in the series with his sixth win of the season, winning in front of three compatriots. She had the toughest fight with Puck Pieterse, who lost two seconds against her.

In a week, the Italian Val di Sole will welcome the elite cyclo-cross riders.

Cyclocross World Cup in Dublin
1. Van Aert (Belgian) 59:36
2. Sweeck (Belgium) -14
3. Pidcock (British) -17
4. Van der Haar (Niz.) -19
5. Vanthourenhout (Belgium) -22
6. Adams (Belgium) -33
Current SP order (after 9 out of 14 races):
1. Sweeck 266
2. Iserbyt (Belgium) 249
3.Vanthourenhout 225
14. Boroš (Czech Republic) 76
43. Stybar (Czech Republic) 9
52. Roman (Czech Republic) 4
1. Van Empelová (Netherlands) 47:13
2. Pieterseová (Netherlands) -2
3. Betsemaová (Netherlands) -1:37
4. Van der Heijdenova (Niz.) -2:26
5. Schreiberová (Luc.) -2:27
6. Bakker (Netherlands) -3:39
Current SP order (after 9 out of 14 races):
1. Van Empelova 330
2. Stony 225
3. Bethsemaova 181
28. Zemanová (Czech Republic) 25
48. Kopecky (Czech Republic) 7
58. Hladíková (Czech Republic) 3
64. Jeřábková (Czech Republic) 1

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